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Kennedy, CA Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer


Kennedy is a census-designated place located in San Joaquin County. It has a population of under 3,300 and is four miles south of Stockton. Those who live here spend an average of 32 minutes commuting to work. This may be due to more and more people moving away from Sacramento or the Bay Area to find something affordable for themselves and their families by commuting farther each day. However, this puts more drivers on the road daily, increasing the chances of accidents.

If you have suffered severe injuries in an accident in Kennedy, CA, call our experienced legal team at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 for a free case evaluation.

Types of Personal Injury Cases

Our law firm represents those who have suffered severe injuries in an accident. We handle many different types of personal injury cases, including:

What to Do After an Accident

Not knowing the proper steps to take after an accident can be frustrating. Following are some steps to take to protect your health and your legal rights:

  • Do not wait to seek medical care after a crash. Some symptoms, such as traumatic brain injury, may not present after an accident. Record how you feel daily and create a list of records for every medical provider you see.
  • Do not miss any medical appointments. Delays or gaps in treatment can raise several questions for insurance companies, including whether you were injured. This can leave you with unpaid medical bills if the insurance company uses this as a ground to reduce the value of your claim or deny it entirely.
  • Record the details of the car accident and the names of any witnesses. Since your memory of the incident can fade, writing down your account of the collision is essential. Keep track of your lost time from work and every medical expense you make.
  • Consult with an experienced Kennedy auto accident attorney. Only a lawyer with years of experience can advise you of your responsibilities and legal rights in a personal injury claim. Most injury lawyers provide free consultations with invaluable insight. Do not speak to anyone without representation or sign any legal documents. This may hinder the outcome of your case.
Determining Fault in an Accident

Proving negligence on another party or entity is necessary for recovering damages. Serious crashes are often summarized in a traffic collision report, which generally lists an investigator’s conclusion of who was at fault. Determining responsibility for an accident may also require interviewing witnesses and enlisting crash reconstruction specialists. Watch the video below to learn how liability is defined in a collision.

Comparative Fault

California follows a system of comparative fault. Anyone who contributes to an accident can be held financially responsible for damages. The compensation awarded may be reduced by the amount of negligence assigned to an injured person. For instance, if a motorist was determined 40 percent negligent for a car wreck, they could still claim 60 percent of their damages. For this reason, having an experienced Kennedy car accident lawyer at your side is essential to protect your right to a fair recovery.

What Damages May Be Recovered in a Personal Injury Case?

Damages in a personal injury case are generally broken down into economic and noneconomic categories. Economic damages include medical expenses and wage loss due to missing time at work to recover from an injury. The necessary and reasonable cost of future medical care is recoverable. Future lost earnings may be claimed for the inability to earn wages due to a permanent disability. The injured person’s previously performed domestic or household services and at-home medical care may also be claimed.

Noneconomic damages are based on the accident’s impact on the injured party’s quality of life. There is no scale to quantify these damages as they are verified from case to case. Such damages include loss of consortium for a spouse or domestic partner, mental anguish caused by the physical injuries sustained, and pain and suffering.

Punitive damages are awarded under certain circumstances. These serve as a punishment against a negligent party or entity for an egregious act and prevent them from committing such actions in the future.

Statute of Limitations

There is a specific amount of time for filing a claim. This is known as the statute of limitations. Under California law, a claim for personal injury must be filed within two years from the date of the incident. The injured party must file for six months or 180 days if government negligence is involved. The court will likely dismiss the case if a timely claim is not filed.

Contingency Fee Basis

The financial costs of an accident should not be underestimated. Medical expenses can mount quickly, and missing time at work to heal from trauma can be overwhelming. When facing such situations, you may look for ways to reduce your expenses. This should not include going without the assistance of a Kennedy personal injury lawyer. Most injury attorneys handle cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you can retain the legal help you need without paying for these services upfront. This lets you focus on recovering while your lawyer builds your case for fair compensation.

Kennedy, CA FAQ

Which intersections have seen a high rate of car wrecks in Kennedy?

The intersections in Kennedy that have a higher-than-average rate of auto accidents include:

  • Carpenter Road and Highway 99
  • D Street and 8th Street
  • Granada Drive and B Street
  • Long Island Drive and Pock Lane
  • Maribess Street and Nightingale Avenue
  • Mariposa Road and SR-99
  • Michael Avenue and B Street
  • Nightingale Avenue and 8th Street
  • Pock Lane and 8th Street
  • Ralph Avenue and B Street
Legal Assistance After an Accident

Having an experienced Kennedy personal injury attorney at your side is critical to ensuring you have every means to move forward after an accident. A lawyer will begin to prepare your case for fair compensation by investigating the facts and details of the car crash. This includes reviewing traffic collision reports, analyzing physical evidence of the crash scene and medical records, and consulting with experts. This will give you the time to heal and have peace of mind.

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Kennedy, CA

Hurt in a car crash? Contact a Kennedy, CA accident lawyer at AutoAccident.com to discuss your personal injury case at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400. Our lawyers can provide free, friendly legal advice on your situation anytime.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.7.23 Photograph Source: By “StockSnap” ds cha [cs 1115]