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Parkway, CA Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer

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Parkway Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer


Parkway is a suburban community located in Sacramento. The area is known for its quiet neighborhoods, excellent schools, and easy access to outdoor recreation opportunities. Parkway is well-connected to major roads and highways, such as Highway 50, and is conveniently located near shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment venues. While traffic in Parkway can vary depending on the time of day and location, it is generally manageable and not as heavy as in more urbanized areas. However, the community may experience increased traffic during peak rush hour or events like the California State Fair. 

When they do, you need the insight an injury lawyer can provide. That’s where we come in. As Parkway personal injury lawyers since 1982, we’ve been able to help clients obtain the compensation they deserve in all types of serious accidents. Call our law office at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 to schedule a free consultation.

Serving Injured Residents in Parkway, CA

If you are looking for an injury lawyer, you have been in an accident and suffered an injury. If this is the case, you probably feel the unease that often accompanies this situation. For many of you, the stress of an accident is not limited to physical pain or the inability to work, at least for a time. Instead, it also involves financial distress that affects every aspect of your and your family’s life. No one should have to pay for the aftermath of an accident caused by a negligent party. The biggest problem for many people is that they must deal with insurance adjusters from their insurer and the at-fault party. Besides investigating the accident, negotiating with the insurance company for a fair settlement, and determining how and why the accident happened, we will stand beside you every step.

No Fees Until a Settlement Is Won

Many people hesitate to retain a lawyer because they wonder if they can afford it. Parkway personal injury attorneys do not charge a fee upfront. This is appropriate because their clients are probably stretched thin. Instead, their fee is paid after their client wins the case. If the case is unsuccessful, there is no cost to the client. The fee is a percentage of the verdict or settlement amount. California has stringent limits on an attorney’s charges, so the fee cannot exceed a specific rate. When you speak to an attorney for the first time, review this with them. We believe in transparency and urge prospective clients to ask questions before signing an agreement to have me represent them. 

Watch the video below to find the right Parkway personal injury attorney for your case.

Types of Serious Injury Cases We Handle

The types of accident cases we handle are:

  • Car Accidents: This category includes all kinds of car accidents, from front-end collisions to broadside crashes. As Parkway car accident lawyers, we have the resources to investigate the accidents, bringing in reconstruction experts when necessary. This is an essential aspect of our practice. We don’t just review accident reports; we use the latest technology to get a clear vision of what happened. We can dispute the opposition’s attempts to evade responsibility by doing this. 
  • Motorcycle crashes: Accidents involving a motorcycle often lead to devastating injuries and fatalities. This involves long stays in the hospital at a high monetary cost. We ensure that medical bills do not punish the rider or passenger over and above the physical injury they incurred.
  • Catastrophic injuries: Sometimes, a person is injured to such an extent that their cost exceeds insurance coverage. It may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the guilty party. If this situation arises, a Parkway auto accident lawyer will build a strong case against the defendant in civil court.
  • Bicycle Accidents: Cyclists suffer accidents that include severe head and face injuries as well as broken bones. For some, the accident may be fatal. 
  • Truck accidents: A truck accident can devastate individuals in passenger vehicles because of their size. Retaining an injury lawyer is necessary to ensure that compensation is won. 
  • Pedestrian accidents: Too many pedestrians are killed annually due to negligent drivers. It is essential to use video capture of the accident. A pedestrian injury lawyer will obtain the videos if they are available. Speed is a crucial factor in many pedestrian crashes.
  • Dog bites: California is the leading state for dog bites. Under California Civil Code 3342, the owner can be held responsible when a dog hurts someone. Your injury lawyer will work hard to hold the owner liable and obtain the compensation their client deserves.
  • Products liability: Consumers depend on companies when it comes to the safety of their products. When a company fails to produce safe products and a consumer is hurt, the injured party can file a product liability lawsuit. 
  • Traumatic brain injury: This type of injury can be horrific for the injured party and their family. For some, it is possible to be treated, but the cost can be high. A personal injury lawyer will work to ensure that medical care costs are compensated.
  • Medication errors: Patients need to receive the correct medicine. When the doctor, hospital, or pharmacy fails to provide it, the patient can file a claim against them.
  • Rollover accidents: Rollovers are common and cause severe injuries and deaths. One of the major problems is when the roof of a car cannot withstand the vehicle’s weight and caves in on the occupants. This is called a crushed roof. Your Parkway personal injury lawyer will be able to see if the roof of your vehicle was designed correctly. If not, a lawsuit against the manufacturer may be included in the case. 
  • Boating accidents: Many Californians enjoy boating in the state’s rivers and lakes. When a boating accident occurs, they need the help of a Parkway personal injury attorney to make sure they receive fair compensation.
  • Faulty medical devices: It is common to see a person suffering from a defective medical device. The person will experience the pain this causes and be forced to endure additional surgery. This is where a Parkway personal injury lawyer can help by ensuring that medical costs and other damages are recovered. 
  • Wrongful death: A family suffers greatly when a loved one dies. Aside from their grief, they must get by financially without the family member’s assistance. A wrongful death lawyer can help the family recover the monetary cost of lost support and emotional pain. 
Choosing the Best Attorney for Your Case

You first need to know that not every lawyer is the one for you. You must first find a personal injury lawyer if you were injured in an accident. You want someone who has dedicated their practice to injury law, as we have done since the 1980s. Personality plays a part too. Some lawyers are programmed to do their job without interacting much with their clients. We take the opposite tack. A client is not an accident in human form. They have wishes and hopes and can make critical choices in their case. We respect their intelligence. We provide clients with my feelings about the situation and how we would proceed if we were them. But they have the final say. It is their life.

We also try to get to know our clients’ families since their feelings are relevant. This is called a holistic approach to the law, which we use. We get to know our clients, and long after the case ends, they often drop by the office to chat and have a cup of coffee. 

Watch the video below to hear personal injury attorney Ed Smith explain holistic law.

How an Injury Lawyer Can Help You

After an accident, most folks are thrown into a surreal world. They are often in pain, worrying about making ends meet when they can’t go to work and how to deal with the insurance company. A Parkway personal injury lawyer provides the direction and insight the injured party needs. They can investigate the accident to determine liability and prove negligence. An attorney can deal with insurance company questions and negotiate with them for a fair settlement. If the insurer fails to meet its responsibility, the attorney can prepare a strong case against the defendant. In all these scenarios, the attorney will be there for you with your best interests at heart. Calling a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident is vital since evidence can often disappear and witness memories can fade. 

Call Our Personal Injury Attorneys in Parkway, CA

When you need to retain an injury attorney, call our experienced Parkway personal injury lawyers at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice. You can also reach out to us online.

We’ve helped numerous residents of Sacramento and the surrounding area to obtain the compensation they need in all types of car accidentstraumatic injuriesand wrongful death

Editor’s Note: updated 4.18.23 Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay cd cha [cs 1539]