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Sonora Brain Injury Lawyer


It is essential to maintain a healthy neurological system and take steps to avoid a brain injury. We all try to do this, whether hiking trails around the Sierra Nevada Foothills or driving a car on winding roads near Sonora. The problem is others may not take the same precautions. When an accident happens, it is crucial that the injured party receive treatment and, if needed, rehabilitation.

Sometimes, the cost of medical care and the extended time in the hospital, aftercare facilities, and even at home is costly. If a negligent person or other entity causes the injury, filing a personal injury lawsuit can obtain the compensation you need to heal. Alternatively, if a negligent party killed a member of your family, a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed to bring you monetary relief and justice for your loved one.

Sonora Brain Injury Law Firm

At AutoAccident.com, we are experienced in helping individuals and families recover from the loss a negligent party thrust upon them. Whether the injury resulted from a slip and fall or a car accident, we diligently help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

In brain injury cases, it takes time to physically and mentally recover. This process is not always easy or quick. It can take months or years before the injured party can resume their activities full-time. It may take at-home medical devices and professional care to reach this point. But, with the funds you need and the help of loving friends and family,  it can be done in many cases. Let us help you reach your goal. Call our office at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 to schedule a free case review. Find out how we can help and your options, and ask as many questions as you need.

What Is a Brain Injury?

Damage to the brain happens when the head is injured in a fall, car accident, or another type of trauma, such as assault. It is an injury, but unlike any other, that humans suffer. However, the brain often does heal, regaining its function before the accident.

Most Common Reasons for a Brain Injury

There are several main reasons for traumatic brain injury. They are:

  • A blow to the head: This cause is usually linked to an assault.
  • A gunshot to the head:  This type of trauma is often the result of assault or accidental firing.
  • Falls: This is the most common reason for a brain injury. It can happen when someone falls in the bathtub, off a ladder, on a slippery floor in a commercial building, or at home.
  • Shaking an infant:  Shaken baby syndrome can happen due to unintended or intended negligence.
  • Motor vehicle crashes: This is a major reason for brain injury.
  • Pedestrian injuries: The impact of a vehicle can quickly kill a pedestrian if the person’s head is struck.
Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The most common types of traumatic brain injuries are listed below:

  • Concussion: This type of injury occurs when the brain hits the uneven surface of the skull, usually after a blow to the head. The effects of a concussion can be mild or severe depending on the intensity of the impact and the area of the impacted brain. The primary symptoms are headache and neck pain, memory loss, and problems doing everyday tasks. In many cases, a concussion will heal on its own with rest and analgesics within a six to 12-month period. However, in some cases or after repeated concussions, the time to heal is much longer. For some individuals, the symptoms persist for years.
  • Hematoma: This type of injury results from blood pooling outside the blood vessels and ultimately putting pressure on the brain. It can occur in the brain or outside of it. The pressure can cause serious neurological trauma or death and often is surgically removed.
  • Edema: After a head injury, the brain may swell. This swelling is not easily accommodated by the skull, which cannot expand. Efforts are made to reduce the edema, without which death or permanent neurological damage may ensue.
  • Hemorrhage: This occurs when there is bleeding around the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage) or within the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage), which is uncontrolled. Two main symptoms of subarachnoid hemorrhage are vomiting and severe headache. Hemorrhage in the brain causes edema over time. Both can be fatal if left untreated.
  • Diffuse axonal injury: This is one of the worst injuries involving the brain. It is commonly called a shear injury and damages brain cells but does not involve bleeding. The damage makes the cells non-functional. Swelling is a common component of diffuse axonal injury. This injury can cause permanent damage or death.
Brain Injury Treatment

Different treatment modalities are used depending on the type of brain injury and its severity. These range from rest to brain surgery. Some patients are allowed to return home after an initial evaluation. This is commonly the case with a mild concussion. More severe brain injuries require immediate hospitalization. In addition, medical agents, such as diuretics, are used to reduce swelling in the brain. Surgical intervention may help reduce the pressure on the brain or remove a hematoma.

You may also be placed on medication to prevent seizures, frequently seen after a severe head injury. In a few cases, a brain-injured person is in an induced coma. This reduces the brain’s oxygen needs if blood vessels are damaged.

The video below discusses a potential breakthrough in treatments for traumatic brain injuries.

Responsibility in a Brain Injury Accident

Depending on the type of accident, the party who caused it is held liable for the person’s or family’s financial loss. The reasons can range from premises liability in a government building to a negligent driver. Your injury lawyer will be able to investigate your case and determine liability. Once this occurs and evidence is acquired, a strong case can be structured against the at-fault party.

Sonora Brain Injury Lawyer

Our legal team has helped numerous clients recover damages after negligence caused by a brain injury. We’ve also helped many families recover compensation after a loved one died from a traumatic brain injury. Contact our experienced Sonora brain injury attorneys at (209) 227-1932 or (800) 404-5400 to schedule a free case review in the office or virtually. You can also contact us online. Don’t delay, so the evidence will not be hidden or removed.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.9.23 Photo by Will Creswick on Unsplash cd llo [1084]