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Ione Truck Accident Lawyer


Agricultural products such as wheat and livestock are part of Ione’s history. Located near Highway 74 in Morrow County, it is no stranger to truck traffic. With traffic comes the possibility of an accident with a big rig. While any collision can be severe, the weight, size, and momentum inherent in a truck crash make it a greater threat. If you or a family member is involved in a big rig accident, you must have the guidance only an experienced truck accident lawyer can provide.

Truck Accident Attorney in Ione

Our investigative and legal teams have helped many residents of Ione and the extended Northern California area to receive the compensation they deserve if they suffer serious injuries or the death of a loved one. Don’t hesitate to call us at (209) 227-1931 or at (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly, and compassionate advice. You can also contact us online.

We’ll review your case, answer any questions you may have, and tell you what your options are moving forward. At AutoAccident.com, we ferociously protect our client’s right to compensation for injuries due to another’s negligence. Don’t pay financially and physically for something you had no part in. Contact us and get started before evidence disappears or is misplaced.

What Damages Can Be Compensated After an Ione Truck Accident

After visiting with your Ione truck accident attorney and mounting a case against a negligent trucker or the company that employs them, the following damages may be obtained:

  • Medical expenses: All medical costs are recoverable. This includes fees associated with the ambulance trip to the hospital, the cost of a hospital stay, surgeries, emergency room services, X-rays and scans, blood work, and medications. Rehabilitation therapy, which is often required after an accident, is also covered.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses: This covers a wide range of ancillary costs even after your hospital stay has ended. Such fees might include the cost of traveling to your physician’s office for checkups.
  • Medical equipment: Temporary medical devices needed after an accident are covered. This can include a hospital bed, wheelchair, or walker.
  • Home care: For most people, going home after an accident is a reason to celebrate. However, they still may need professional care. This is available through home care companies. While partially covered by some insurance plans, coverage often runs out before the assistance is no longer needed. Your Ione truck accident attorney will help ensure you receive the care you require for as long as you need it.
  • Lost wages: This is a catastrophic consequence of a traffic accident for many people, mainly if the injury keeps them from working for an extended period. Suddenly, the family may be unable to pay for household expenses they easily covered before the crash. Your Ione truck accident lawyer will be able to include wages, insurance, pensions, bonuses, and other job-related perks the wage earner collected. By doing this, the family will be able to help the injured person without monetary worries.
  • Pain and Suffering: This element of a truck accident lawsuit covers non-economic factors that vary from case to case and are subjective. Not only have people hurt in easily quantifiable ways but also on a very personal level. Some emotional and psychological aspects of a traumatic event include sleeplessness, anxiety, fear of riding in an auto, anger, and other responses. This also contains post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Reasons for a Truck Accident

Negligence is a necessary ingredient of a successful personal injury case. Without being able to prove negligence, the chances the lawsuit will succeed is curtailed. To do this, our investigative team goes to the accident site to secure evidence. Some common reasons for a truck accident are:

  • Speeding: Driving over the speed limit is generally dangerous because it causes the driver to lose control of their vehicle. If the car is a large truck, the consequences of speeding are increased. For instance, a trucker driving at 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on the slick pavement sets the stage for an accident.
  • Improper loading: When loading a truck, a driver, company, or third party must follow a protocol that helps ensure safety. That means the vehicle cannot be overloaded or unsecured. The cargo must also be loaded in an order that follows standard rules. Not following the rules can result in a jackknife, rollover, or another type of accident.
  • Fatigued driving: Truck drivers frequently have a strict schedule for making deliveries. Drivers often drive longer than they should without resting. When this happens, a truck accident sooner or later is inevitable. This must be adhered to under fear of reprisals.
  • Distracted driving: Driving distracted means a driver focuses on something other than the road, such as the GPS, radio, or texting. When this occurs, the probability of an Ione truck crash is high.
  • Manufacturing defects: If defects occur in the truck’s brakes, tires, wiring, or accelerator, the chance of a big rig accident is high. In such cases, a product liability lawsuit can be filed against the manufacturer.
  • Company negligence: Trucking companies are often to blame for accidents, which is why they carry high insurance. For instance, the company might insist the driver make more deliveries than is possible if they take time to rest as mandated by law. Or, the company may hire untrained drivers and fail to maintain their vehicles properly. Whatever the reason, the company is liable.

Watch the following video presented by Ione truck accident lawyer, Ed Smith:

Ione Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a truck accident, you need the help of an attorney. Call our experienced truck accident lawyers in Ione at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400. We will do everything possible to protect your rights and obtain the compensation you need.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 10.9.23] Image by falco from Pixabay cd [988] cha