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San Ramon Brain Injury Lawyer

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1.4 million people are affected by brain injuries yearly. Out of those who suffer a traumatic brain injury, an estimated 5.3 million people require long-term care. A San Ramon brain injury attorney who has experience with these types of claims is definitely the right choice for you if you have suffered this trauma due to negligence on the part of another individual or entity.

An Injury to the Brain Can Have Serious Consequences

Individuals suffering from traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be affected for the rest of their lives. As a result of a brain injury, it is not uncommon for those impacted to become permanently disabled to require a long period of rehabilitation. These types of injuries can sometimes be delayed after an accident and begin with small problems such as headaches and forgetfulness to expand later into a more serious condition. Some symptoms of a TBI include slurred speech, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, seizures, and worsening headaches. The injury can even be fatal under some circumstances, especially if it isn’t treated early or complications arise.

Get Help From AutoAccident.com If You Have Suffered a TBI

The San Ramon brain injury lawyers at AutoAccident.com have a record of successfully handling cases that involve TBIs and can obtain the compensation the injured party deserves. People often seek compensation for personal injury damages from others or their insurance companies if they suffer a brain injury that leaves them hospitalized or permanently disabled.

Taking care of yourself following a brain injury may be difficult or impossible due to the long recovery times and cognitive deficits. In most cases, families aren’t able to manage the financial or physical burdens on their own, so they need assistance. Compensation may be given in the following areas:

  • Medical costs: You may recover all medical expenses incurred by the accident, such as ambulance services, hospitalization, surgery, tests, physician bills, prescriptions, and physical rehabilitation. Out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits include taxi fares and gasoline and can also be recovered.
  • Future medical expenses: If a brain injury is predicted to last for a long time or lead to a permanent disability, a brain injury lawyer in San Ramon can include future medical costs in the settlement.
  • Lost wages: It is possible to recoup lost wages. It is possible for workers injured in an accident to recover the difference in pay, even if they have to accept a position at a lower wage or return to work on a limited basis. Based on the injured party’s permanent disability, it is assumed that they will not be able to rejoin the workforce in the future. It is possible to recover the amount of their salary due up to the time of their anticipated retirement, including insurance and pension benefits, bonuses, and commissions.
  • The spouse may be compensated for the loss of affection, moral support and in some cases loss of consortium.
  • Pain and suffering: Those who are injured experience physical pain and suffering and emotional and psychological harm. Recovery of compensation for the trauma the individual went through is also recoverable.
What Accidents Can Result in Brain Injury?

Any accident that affects the head can result in a TBI. When negligence by another individual or entity was the reason for the injury, the injured party may wish to consult with a San Ramon brain injury lawyer to find out about recovering compensation. Accident types include:

  • Falls are the leading cause of TBI in those over 65.
  • Traffic accidents involving passenger vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians often result in a TBI.
  • Injuries playing sports, especially football and boxing, can cause a TBI. Repeated injuries can result in cognitive, personality and other changes.
  • Intentional acts such as assault and gunfire can cause traumatic severe brain injuries in the military, and in other places, explosions at work sites cause TBIs.
  • Being hit by a falling object can cause a TBI. If the object fell due to negligence by another person or entity, a San Ramon brain injury attorney can help you recover compensation. 
What Types of Brain Injuries Are There?
  • Concussion: There may be a short loss of consciousness after a minor head injury such as a concussion, and these types of injuries generally clear up in a short period of time. However, repeated concussions can be dangerous and lead to personality and cognitive changes in the individual.
  • Epidural hematoma: Blood clots that form inside the skull but outside the dura and brain are usually caused by a torn artery.
  • Subdural hematoma: Blood clots form between the dura and the brain.
  • Intracerebral hematoma: Bleeding in the brain is caused by a ruptured blood vessel, commonly due to a fall or a car wreck.
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage: Bleeding that occurs in the space surrounding the brain is caused by a burst aneurysm usually.
  • Fractured skull: Skull fractures can be linear, which is a straight line that doesn’t require surgical treatment. The second type is a depressed fracture of the skull, which may require a craniotomy if pressure increases in the brain. The third type is a basilar fracture. This type of skull fracture happens at the brain’s base and can result in cerebral spinal leakage, a serious condition. 
  • Coup-contrecoup: This type of injury occurs when the head is moved rapidly back and forth and is basically brain damage that happens opposite from the impact point and causes bruising.
  • Diffuse axonal trauma: A diffuse axonal injury shears off the connecting nerves in the brain and often causes massive damage, coma, and death.
The Signs and Symptoms of a Brain Injury

Signs and symptoms of a TBI can depend on its severity and location. The more serious the trauma, the worse the symptoms. In addition, complications such as infection can worsen the prognosis and make recovery more difficult. Some of the symptoms of a TBI are as follows:


  • Loss of consciousness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Blurred vision
  • Inability to sleep
  • Behavioral changes
  • Personality changes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
Recovering Compensation Following a Brain Injury Accident

Since traumatic brain injuries are often severe, they can result in prolonged hospitalizations and high medical costs extending for years. Those costs can have a significant impact on the family’s finances. Injured parties may wish to consider pursuing compensation after being hurt by a negligent person or entity. After all, it is difficult enough to deal with a major injury, which can have life-changing repercussions. The injured person should not also be responsible for the cost when it was another’s fault. 

Here are a few tips on choosing a lawyer following an injury accident from attorney Ed Smith:

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys in San Ramon 

I’m Ed Smith, a San Ramon brain injury lawyer. Our injury lawyers are here to help you by offering their free and friendly advice if you or your loved one has suffered a brain injury. Residents of Northern California have been receiving the representation they deserve from our brain injury lawyers in San Ramon for many years. You can learn how we have helped others by visiting our Verdicts and Settlements page.

To schedule your free consultation, call our San Ramon brain injury attorneys today at (925) 428-5220 or (800) 404-5400. We can set up an appointment either virtually or in-person to review your case and tell you about options to recover damages. Because we work 100 percent on a contingency basis, you do not pay us until we’ve won your case. An online form is available also for your convenience.

Photo attribution: Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

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