Atwater Farm Accident Lawyer | Free Consultation
Atwater Farm Accident Lawyer

Atwater is a small but crucial agricultural town on Highway 99 between Modesto to the North and Merced to the South. Atwater was initially named for a local wheat farmer and remains dominated by farms and food production facilities. It is also home to one of the world’s major producers of sweet potatoes. This robust farming industry supports a population of more than 30,000 people, with three of the region’s major employers in Merced County. However, with this large-scale industry comes the significant risk of injury to workers, visitors, and community residents.
Common Injuries Suffered by Farm WorkersFarming is considered to be one of the most dangerous industries for workers. Workers face traumatic injuries from growing, harvesting and transporting produce and livestock.
Common injuries suffered by farmers include back injuries and chest trauma. Farmers also face a significant risk of extremity trauma. Many farmers also suffer respiratory injuries from pesticide exposure and other harsh chemicals.
Injuries in Food Production FacilitiesWhile fieldwork on farms is undeniably dangerous, working in food production facilities can be equally hazardous to workers’ safety. These hazards come from various areas and can result in many injuries.
Here are some examples of common injuries suffered by workers in food processing facilities:
- Forklift accidents can result in broken legs and other injuries.
- The heavy machinery processing foods can crush limbs and result in other extremity injuries.
- Back injuries and head trauma from falling packages and produce.
Atwater has a small farm tourism movement that brings in a modest number of visitors to the area. Most current farm tourism relates to “Pick Your Own Produce” areas and farm stands. These areas are often active agricultural areas, so visitors also face a risk of injury in these places.
In addition to hosting local visitors to area farms, Atwater hosts many California students through its Farm to School educational program. These students travel to the area to learn more about the food in their supermarkets and on their dinner tables.
Farm Roads in AtwaterAs in so many farming communities in California, one of the deadliest parts of farms is the roads connecting them to the rest of civilization. Farm roads are often narrow and poorly maintained. Large, slow-moving farm vehicles and livestock often populate these roads.
Drivers in agricultural regions face a high risk of accidents involving tractors and other oversized vehicles. Drivers on these roads also face hazards from unlicensed drivers commonly operating vehicles on farm roads. These drivers also often do not have car insurance, putting an even greater burden on people injured in accidents.
Watch the National Farmers Union video below for safety tips on working with farm equipment.
Atwater Farm Accident LawyerSince 1982, our Atwater personal injury lawyers have been serving the Atwater and Greater California community, helping people injured in accidents and their families recover. If you or someone you love has been hurt by another person’s negligence, please call our law office for free and friendly advice at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400. See our past verdicts and settlements.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.24.223] Photo by Marsh Williams from Pexels kw rey [cs 534]