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Auburn Lake Trails Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer

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Auburn Lake Trails Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer


Auburn Lake Trails is an idyllic community located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevadas. The area offers residents incredible views of California’s natural beauty and a comfortable, friendly community to call home. While Auburn Lake Trails is a great place to live in or visit, the community is surrounded by relatively dangerous roads.

Approaching the town from Highway 193 can be difficult, especially in poor weather conditions. Residents often go through Highway 49, one of the area’s most accident-prone roadways. These factors contribute significantly to car accidents in the area.

If you or a family member has suffered injuries in an accident that’s not your fault, call our experienced Auburn Lake Trails personal injury lawyers today at (530) 392-9400 for a free consultation.

We Handle Serious Injury Cases

We represent people who have been seriously injured in a variety of accidents, including:

The “Personal” Personal Injury Lawyer

We’ve been called the “personal” personal injury lawyer because we treat our practice holistically. We strive to be compassionate toward the people we work with. We know how difficult recovery can be and are familiar with the stress and emotional issues accidents can cause. We consider our law firm a family, and our clients are a part of it.

Wrongful Death Cases

Accidents can cause fatal injuries, and when this happens, it can leave people feeling completely overwhelmed. We’ve worked with many families who have suffered a tragic fatal accident and know how difficult it can be to recover damages while grieving. We are here to handle your case for you to heal personally and financially.

We Take Cases on a Contingency Fee Basis

We believe injured parties deserve excellent legal representation, and we take all my cases on contingency. We do not ask for any money up-front and expect to receive lawyers’ fees if we can successfully resolve your case. Running our firm this way means we can help people who might otherwise not be able to afford a skilled Auburn Lake Trails personal injury attorney.

Choosing the Right Auburn Trails Car Accident Lawyer

Advertisements for lawyers are everywhere. Chances are that you have seen them on television, the internet, or local billboards. These ads often make big promises and tout high success rates. However, very few attorneys are prepared to do everything they can to ensure you recover the full recompense you are owed.

Many attorneys who say they have a high success rate are willing to negotiate with insurers and settle for less than their clients deserve. We don’t count a case as a success unless our clients can claim enough to recover from their injuries physically, financially, and emotionally.

You could think we’re not the right injury lawyer for your needs, which is understandable. Whether or not we are a match, you should know what to look for when choosing an Auburn Lake Trails auto accident attorney. Below are some best ways to ensure an attorney is experienced and skilled enough to handle your case.

  • Read Reviews – You should ensure your attorney is well-respected in their community. Thanks to the internet, this is easier than ever to check. To learn about lawyers’ reputations, you can visit their profiles on reviews like Avvo, Yelp, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google. The reviews on these sites can give you an honest picture of a lawyer’s professional and personal merits.
  • Check Experience – Ensure your lawyer has ample experience handling cases like yours. Personal injury law is complicated, and negotiating with insurers is difficult. It’s important to know that your lawyer has succeeded with cases like yours. You should also ensure the attorney has experience arguing injury cases in court. Many lawyers will avoid going to trial if they can, which can mean you will have to accept a lowball offer. You can simply ask them to see if your attorney is ready to go to court for your case. Their response can often give you a good sense of whether or not they are willing to do everything they can for your case.
  • Look at Settlements and Verdicts – Your lawyer may have handled many injury cases, but quality matters even more. A great way to see if a lawyer is good at this is to view their case resolutions. Most lawyers list their settlements and verdicts available on their websites. You should also ask your attorney about their past successes in person. A good lawyer will happily tell you how they’ve helped their clients.
  • Are they Established? – Finally, ensure your lawyer has the financial means to take on your case. Trials can be expensive, and some firms are too small to afford to go to court. Money shouldn’t be an issue standing between you and the payments you deserve for your damages.

For more details about the importance of choosing the best Auburn Lake Trails personal injury attorney, see the video below:

Personal Injury Lawyers in Auburn Lake Trails, CA

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, please call our experienced Auburn Lake Trails personal injury lawyers today at (800) 404-5400 or (530) 392-9400 for free and friendly advice.

We have helped people in Auburn Lake Trails and other communities in El Dorado County with personal injury and wrongful death cases since 1982.

Editor’s Note: updated 10.30.23 Photo by StockSnap_UWIOG1YMCT ms cha [cs 918]