Baby Brezza Formula Machines
Baby Brezza Formula Machines

The Baby Brezza Formula Machines are supposed to make feeding your baby foolproof and more convenient. They are similar in concept to one-cup coffee makers but for baby bottles. They are marketed as products that mix the perfect amount of formula for your baby. This is allegedly not the case at all. Parents have found that the Baby Brezza Formula Pro and Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced have an alleged flaw. In reality, the products provide less formula in each prepared bottle than recommended, leading to a hungry child and issues with malnutrition.
If you have purchased a Baby Brezza machine and have noticed such issues, our law firm is acting on these claims. Call us at (800) 404-5400 or contact us online to talk with an experienced attorney at no obligation.
Lawsuits Against the Manufacturer of Baby BrezzaBaby Brezza Enterprises LLC, through its parent companies, The Betesh Group Holding Corp. Inc. and the Betesh Group, manufactured and sold products that allegedly resulted in inadequate nutrition to babies. The products included no warnings of this potential situation.
Taking legal action against a consumer product manufacturer is no simple feat. If you have experienced issues with inadequate infant nutrition related to purchasing a Babby Brezza product, contact an attorney with years of experience litigating claims against business entities that have betrayed the public’s trust. Companies must be held accountable for their dangerous products and the harm they cause.
Know Which Baby Brezza Models to Look ForThe Baby Brezza Formula Pro and Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced have both been found to provide less formula than required for proper nutrition.
What is the Problem with these Formula Machines?The Baby Brezza machines purport to provide the perfect amount of formula for the amount of water used. Research has revealed this is false; infants and babies get less formula nutrition than necessary. This flaw leads to parents unintentionally giving their babies less nutrition to thrive and remain healthy.
What to Do if You Own a Baby BrezzaIf you or anyone you know has purchased and is using a Baby Brezza formula machine, it is advised that you discontinue use and contact our firm for more information.
Allegations Against the Makers of Baby Brezza MachinesIt is alleged that the makers of the Baby Brezza formula machines failed to notify consumers of the product’s defects. Additionally, despite awareness of the issue, there has been no recall or other action to protect babies from receiving inadequate nutrition due to formula machines. The Baby Brezza lawsuits will allege strict liability due to a failure to warn, negligence, defective design, fraud, breach of implied and express warranty, and unjust enrichment.
What Is Recoverable in a Products Liability Claim?Two main categories that can be recovered in a product liability claim are economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are an identifiable value, such as lost wages, medical expenses, and loss of future income.
Non-economic damages are more subjective and relate to your quality of life. They include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Because each case varies, it is essential to consult with a lawyer who can advocate and ensure the insurance company offers you the total compensation you deserve.
If you want to know what types of compensation may be available, contact a trusted products liability lawyer. Most attorneys provide free case advice over the phone, so you have nothing to lose when you seek help.
Who Should I Trust to Handle My Case?Our law firm has decades of experience handling product liability claims in California. In addition to our expertise, we always fight tirelessly on behalf of our clients and their families.
Contact an Attorney to Discuss Your Baby Brezza CaseManufacturers of defective products should be held accountable for the problems they cause. We may be able to assist in your Baby Brezza case for financial compensation. Our law firm offers free and friendly advice within the Sacramento area at (916) 921-6400 or from outside the region at (800) 404-5400. If you prefer, we also have an online contact form.
Editor’s Note: updated 11.30.23 Photo Attribution: Unsplash mm cha [cs 703]