Sacramento Burn Injury Lawyer
Your Burn Injury Attorney in Sacramento

A burn injury can be one of the most devastating injuries to endure. Recovering from a burn injury requires lengthy medical treatment, physical therapy, possible plastic surgery. Severe burns leave permanent damage to skin and tissues and limit the effective range of limbs and the body’s ability to move.
Our experienced Sacramento Burn Injury Lawyers have been assisting burn victims and their families since 1982. If you or a loved one has suffered severe burns in an accident, reach out to our law firm at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. We’re here to answer your questions and advise on what legal rights you have.
Types of Burn InjuriesBurn injuries are usually measured in “degrees” based on the amount of damage to the skin, associated tissue, and bone. These include:
- A First-Degree Burn – usually a redness on the top layer of skin (the epidermis), which resembles a sunburn. While a first-degree burn can be mildly painful, the skin will repair itself, and most symptoms are gone within a few days.
- A Second-Degree Burn – results when the burn has progressed through the epidermis (first layer of skin) into the deeper layers of the skin (known as the dermis). Second-degree burns usually present blisters and accumulated fluids, while the skin looks “whiter” in appearance.
- A Third-Degree Burn – is much more severe in nature and includes charring through all layers of the skin. The skin can look like leather in a third-degree burn and feels thicker and more complex. Fluids accumulating at the point of the burn can look dark red or purple, and in many cases, pain is lessened due to associated nerve damage. Third-degree burns require extensive care, including skin grafts and plastic surgery. In many cases, physical therapy is needed to regain the use of the body and its limbs or extended motion.
- A Fourth-Degree Burn – is the most severe burn injury, where charring extends past the skin into the muscles and bones. Fourth-degree burns are life-threatening and usually result in a permanent loss of dexterity, motion, use of limbs, and perhaps the loss of fingers and toes. Fourth-degree burn victims will require several surgeries to accomplish skin grafts, extensive reconstruction, and plastic surgery. These cases involve comprehensive physical therapy and require a “life-plan” to provide ongoing treatment, surgeries, care, and therapy in the coming months and years.
Watch the YouTube video below to understand the different types and severity classifications of burn injuries and their treatment.
Smoke Inhalation and AsphyxiationSuffocation or asphyxiation from smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death in mobile home fires, house fires, and other fire-related incidents. Upholstery, building materials, office equipment, and other furnishings can release a toxic cloud of gases and smoke. Vital oxygen is replaced with hydrogen cyanide, smoke, carbon monoxide, and other vapors, leaving a victim disoriented.
In a matter of minutes, the victim feels sleepy, sluggish, loses rational thought, and eventually loses consciousness. They can experience permanent damage to their lungs and airways, causing permanent disability.
Let our Burn Injury Lawyers Help YouWhen someone dies from smoke inhalation, the family is left with the burden of determining the actual causes of the accident. You need time to recover from your injuries, and as a burn victim, there is a long road ahead of you. The medical bills and lost wages add up quickly, and long-term care and equipment may be required.
If you have lost a loved one in a fire, you and your family need time to mourn your loss and heal. Let our experienced burn injury legal team assume the responsibility to investigate what has happened, determine who may be responsible, and protect your financial and legal interests.
Burn Injury FAQHow are burn injuries classified?
There are three types of burn injuries.
- 1st Degree – Superficial, causes inflammation. Most sunburns are first-degree burns.
- 2nd Degree – Deeper burns with redness, inflammation, and blistering.
- 3rd Degree -These are deeper still. Nerves and blood vessels are usually damaged, and wounds look white and leathery. Because nerves are destroyed, there may be little or no pain.
Sometimes burns mature, and a second-degree burn can turn into a third-degree burn.
Does it matter how much of my body has been burned?
Medical doctors refer to the rule of 9’s when talking about burn injuries, and this means each of the below areas is considered 9% of the body’s surface area.
- Head is 9%
- Front of chest 9%
- Upper and lower back 8%
- Buttocks 9%
- Abdomen 9%
- Each arm 9%
- Each leg (front and rear 18%)
- Each Palm 1%
- Groin area 1%
Because of the devastating nature of burn injuries, we are writing a fuller discussion of burn care below. Articles will be added from time to time until this section is complete.
I was recently burned in a beauty salon when a hairdresser dropped a hot tong on me. Is the beauty salon owner responsible for my injuries?
Yes, the salon is likely responsible. Here are some of the reasons a salon may be responsible for injuries to customers.
- If the technician handling styling instruments is not adequately trained.
- If chemical burns result because proper skin tests were not made beforehand.
- If chemicals are mixed improperly with other chemicals causing burns or if an injury is caused by using an expired product.
Burn injuries are painful and the serious types can be life-threatening. If you or a loved one has suffered severe burn injuries in an accident due to negligence, call our experienced Sacramento Burn Injury Attorneys for free and friendly case advice at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
Our experienced legal team has helped residents of Sacramento and Northern California get maximum compensation for personal injury and wrongful death cases since 1982.
See our client reviews and ratings on Yelp, Avvo, and Google and our history of settlements and verdicts.
We are a member of the Million Dollar Advocates and the Nation’s Top One Percent.
Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevance. [cha 3.16.22]
Photo by Pexels on Pixabay [cs 1039]
Additional Resources:
- Anesthesia for Burn Patients
- Burn Care for Traumatic Burn Injuries
- Burn Injuries in the Elderly
- Burns to Children
- California Burn Injury Centers
- Care and Reconstruction of the Burned Hand
- Outpatient Care for Burn Injuries
- Caring for Electrical Burns
- Chemical Burns Caused by Car Accidents
- Debriding Burns with Enzymes
- Disability Assessment Following Burns
- Initial Evaluation of Burns
- Initial Treatment and Transport for Burn Injuries
- Kidney and Renal Failure in Burn Victims
- Nursing Care for Burn Victims
- Nutrition for Burn Victims
- Pain Management in Burn Patients
- Pre-hospital Management of Burn Patients
- Psychiatric Disorders and Burns
- Reconstructing Burned Breasts
- Reconstructing Burn Injuries
- Reconstructing Head and Neck Burns
- Rehabilitation for Burn Victims
- Reintegration of Burn Patients into Society and Home
- Respiratory Care for Burn Patients
- Statistics on Burn Injuries
- The Skin Bank
- The Treatment of Burn Infections
- Tragedy Led to Specialized Burn Care in Sacramento
- Traumatic Facial Burn Injuries
- Treating Burn Victim Deformities
- Treating Lung Injuries in Burn Cases