Chico Truck Accident Lawyer |
Chico Truck Accident Lawyer

Chico is known as a college town, but it is also the economic and cultural center of the northern Sacramento Valley. As the largest city in the state north of Sacramento, Chico sees its fair share of traffic there. It is common to see large commercial trucks transporting goods through the city.
Our injury attorneys at have served California’s seriously injured truck accident victims. If you or someone you love has been in a truck accident in Chico, we can help you, too. Call our injury lawyers at (530) 392-9400 for free and friendly advice.
Advocating for Chico Truck Accident VictimsSince 1982, our personal injury law firm has tackled thousands of severe personal injury and wrongful death claims. We take on severe injury cases exclusively; typically, anyone injured in a truck accident has suffered serious injuries.
Besides truck accident cases, we have handled cases for clients who have suffered from injuries that were the result of:
- Vehicle accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle crashes
- Dog bite accidents
- Farming accidents
- Defective products
- Slip and fall incidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Head and brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Wrongful death
We aim to educate seriously injured victims about their rights in personal injury matters. We also aim to help victims seriously injured in truck accidents obtain the maximum compensation to focus their attention on recovering their total well-being.
Healing “Holistically”We understand pain and suffering and how focusing on one’s well-being is necessary to fully recover from a catastrophic truck accident. We take a “holistic” approach as an injury law firm. Simply put, we work diligently to help our clients recover the maximum compensation they are entitled to. We also help them focus on healing emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually as they recover physically and financially from the truck accident.
Choosing an Injury Attorney to Handle Your Injury CaseWe have noticed over the years that injured truck accident victims have many things in common. Besides the injuries, pain, and financial stress, they also have trouble choosing a personal injury attorney to handle their serious injury case.
If you suffer injuries from a truck accident in Chico, you must find a good lawyer as soon as possible. We understand that it is difficult to handle your life daily, especially with the added stress of appointments with doctors and specialists, your household bills piling up, and the pain from your injuries slowing you down.
Do not make a rushed decision, though! You need to find the right personal injury attorney for your case. You don’t want to be stuck with an attorney who wants to settle your claim quickly and take their piece of the pie.
Watch the YouTube video to choose the best personal injury lawyer in Chico, CA, for your case.
When looking for a personal injury lawyer to handle your case, ask yourself the following questions:
- Does the lawyer practice only personal injury and/or wrongful death law? Remember, you want to choose an attorney with a solid personal injury law background. An attorney who practices multiple areas of the law may not have the intricate knowledge you need to recover the maximum compensation for your injuries.
- Does the lawyer have a positive online reputation? Be sure to check reviews on Avvo, Yelp, and Google before you decide. Like most people, you check out product reviews before you purchase them. In fact, it isn’t strange to check out reviews on even $10 products before purchasing them. Why wouldn’t you check reviews before you do something as important as hiring a lawyer for your serious injuries?
- Does the lawyer have experience in the personal injury trial court? Most personal injury attorneys prefer to work cases out with insurance companies. And insurance companies are known for offering the least amount to injured people. If you want the best chance at getting the most out of your claim, you need an attorney that the insurance companies know will not hesitate to take them to court if they refuse to offer you a fair settlement amount. You do not want to be forced to take an unfair deal because you hired an attorney unfamiliar with or intimidated by trial court procedures.
- Can the attorney demonstrate a solid track record of successful verdicts and settlements? Successful people like to brag and boast about their accomplishments, so finding a page of verdicts and settlements on potential attorneys’ websites is not unlikely. This is not unusual for an attorney, so do not be afraid to ask. If you encounter a lawyer who cannot demonstrate a successful history, it is best to skip the next choice. (You can verify my past verdicts and settlements)
Where do most truck accidents occur in Chico?
You probably will not be surprised to hear that most of the truck accidents in the Chico area happen on State Route 99. While most of the accidents in the Chico area involve personal automobiles, Chico also has its fair share of commercial truck accidents. Other truck accidents have occurred in some of the more hectic intersections of Chico, including Park Avenue and 20th, Maine and Ninth, and the intersection popular with the bicycle riding community, Oleander, and East First Avenue.
Contact Our Trucking Accident Lawyers in Chico, CAIf you have been seriously injured in an accident, please call our skilled Chico Truck Accident Attorneys at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice. Learn more about us. See our past verdicts and settlements.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.22.23] sb EAS bw [cs 934] Photo by Pixabay