Clearlake Brain Injury Lawyer |
Clearlake Brain Injury Lawyer

Few injuries can change someone’s life, like a traumatic brain injury might. An accident can occur any time; even a minor incident may lead to a severe head injury. A traumatic brain injury happens when a blow to the head causes a change in how the central nervous system operates.
Unfortunately, the brain neurons rarely regenerate after an injury, leading to long-term quality of life issues. With a comprehensive recovery plan, some individuals might regain their baseline level of functioning.
If you or a loved one has suffered severe head trauma in a preventable accident, you could pursue monetary compensation for your damages. Consult our experienced Clearlake brain injury lawyer to learn about your legal options. Call us at (707) 564-1900 for a free case evaluation.
Types of Traumatic Brain InjuriesLike other traumatic injuries, head injuries come in many shapes and forms. Some head injuries are life-threatening, while others may be relatively minor. A few common types of traumatic brain injuries include:
- Concussions: A concussion is perhaps the most common type of TBI. A concussion is diagnosed when a blow to the head causes the brain’s function to be altered temporarily. A concussion typically does not have any other sign of head trauma. No bruising or bleeding and people tend to recover relatively quickly. A loss of consciousness is not required to diagnose a concussion; however, repeated concussions can lead to long-term mental health problems.
- Cerebral Contusion: A cerebral contusion takes place when the brain becomes bruised. A blunt impact can lead to the rupture of superficial veins, causing a bruise. While people might associate a scrape with an effect on an arm or leg, a bruise can also occur on the brain. A cerebral contusion is typically evident on a CT scan or an MRI. Depending on the size of the cerebral contusion, long-term complications might develop; however, most people fully recover.
- Brain Bleed: A brain bleed is one of the most severe traumatic injuries. A blunt or penetrating injury of the skull might cause a tear in some of the larger blood vessels of the brain. When this happens, brain tissue is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the cells of the brain start to die. Even small brain bleeds have the potential to be life-threatening. Some common brain bleeds include a subdural hematoma, an epidural hematoma, and a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Some of these brain bleeds may require emergency surgery.
While some individuals will fully recover after a traumatic brain injury, others may also develop serious complications.
Complications of a Traumatic Brain InjuryBecause the brain controls almost all of the body’s essential functions, various complications can develop depending on where the brain is damaged. Understanding how these complications develop and how they are treated is essential. Some of the most common complications include:
- Mental Health Issues: Mental health issues that might develop following a head injury can be severe. The parietal and temporal lobes of the brain are responsible for emotions and personality. Damage to these parts of the brain can lead to the development of various mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and psychosis.
- Furthermore, the inability to return to work or school may make pre-existing depression even worse. With the help of a trained psychiatrist, these mental health issues can be controlled, which is essential for preserving someone’s quality of life.
- Sleep Difficulties: Difficulty sleeping is one of the most common complications following a traumatic brain injury. After sustaining neurological damage, the body’s circadian rhythm might be disturbed. Individuals can develop chronic headaches that make it hard to focus, concentrate, and relax. Furthermore, some people develop PTSD following a TBI, which can cause sleep problems. All of these factors combined can lead to difficulty falling and staying asleep. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medical management can lead to improved sleep.
- Chronic Pain: Another severe complication of traumatic brain injuries is the development of chronic pain. Using an intricate network of nerves, the brain receives sensory information from the rest of the body. If these nerves are damaged, they may not interpret this sensory information correctly. This can lead to the development of chronic pain. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for chronic pain. With the help of a doctor, most people can find a treatment plan that works for them.
These are a few complications that might develop after a head injury. To address these potential complications, a comprehensive recovery plan is required.
Recovering After a Head InjuryMany individuals will make a full recovery following a head injury. A comprehensive recovery plan is needed to increase the chances of a positive outcome. It includes:
- Medical Management: The medical management of a traumatic brain injury does not end when someone leaves the hospital. Often, individuals are asked to take certain medications and follow up with medical specialists regularly. This is important because doctors might need to change certain medications to reduce side effects, treat complications, or start other therapies.
- Rehabilitation: Many people will need the help of a physical therapist after suffering a TBI. A physical therapist can help someone regain muscle strength, reduce discomfort, and improve coordination due to a brain injury. Physical therapy programs can last weeks or months, depending on the severity of the injury and the improvements.
- Social Support: Social support after a TBI is also critical. Some people might need access to specialized equipment to assist with their recovery, and others could need assistance with their activities of daily living. This includes cooking, cleaning, and even running errands around town. Social support from family members and friends during this time is critical.
A knowledgeable legal adviser can also help individuals and their loved ones during the recovery process following a TBI. With the help of an experienced Clearlake Brain Injury Attorney, families can focus on their loved ones’ medical recovery.
The following video discusses traumatic brain injuries and explains how the injuries are treated with new technology and treatments.
Call Our Brain Injury Lawyers in Clearlake, CAIf you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, contact our experienced Clearlake Brain Injury Attorneys for free, friendly advice at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. See our past cases on our Verdicts and Settlements page.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 9.5.23] Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash dr cha [cs 1066]