Clearlake Motorcycle Accident Attorney |
Clearlake Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling and addictive pastime. Coupled with the excitement of the activity, however, an element of danger exists. Even the most experienced motorcyclist can be involved in a severe accident caused by the negligence of other motorists.
Since 1982, the accident attorneys at our law firm have proudly served as legal advocates for injured motorcyclists in the Clearlake and Lake County regions of Northern California. Our compassionate injury lawyers have learned how devastating injuries from motorcycle accidents can be for riders and their families during that time. If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident, please call us at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400.
Motorcycle Riding in Clearlake, CaliforniaClearlake is located in beautiful Lake County, California. The city has a total area of just over ten and a half square miles, one half square mile of water, meaning that over four percent of the city is water. Information from the Census Bureau reveals that in 2019, there were just over 15,349 residents of Clearlake.
The mild Mediterranean climate of Clearlake and its proximity to other scenic cities means that the area sees many motorcyclists. The region is part of many popular Northern California motorcycling routes. As a result, the streets of Clearlake are not immune to serious motorcycle accidents, especially the surrounding highways such as Highway 20, Highway 29, and Highway 281.
Motorcycle Accidents – Common CausesNegligent motorists, winter weather, wayward animals, road debris, and other hazards are all potential causes of motorcycle accidents in Northern California. Under less common circumstances, Clearlake may be held responsible for a motorcycle crash caused by improperly maintained roads within city limits. Most often, motorcycle accidents result from the negligent operation of a motor vehicle – sometimes on behalf of the rider. Still, more often, the carelessness or recklessness of another motorist causes the accident. When a negligent driver causes a motorcycle accident, they can be found liable (legally responsible) for any injuries and related damages suffered by the motorcyclist.
Motorcycle Accidents – Common InjuriesEvery motorcycle accident is unique in its circumstances – cause, speed, and damage. Even so, there are similarities in motorcyclists’ injuries in a crash. This is partly because riders do not have any exterior protection like that offered by the steel surrounding a car or truck driver. Given the potential for severe injuries, motorcyclists often find themselves out of work for an extended period, and some may even become permanently disabled and prevented from returning to work. In addition to the potential for lost income, the medical bills incurred with severe injuries are often astronomical.
Below are some common injuries sustained by motorcyclists who are involved in a crash:
- Injuries to vertebrae within the neck and/or back
- Spinal cord injuries
- Severe abrasions, also known as road rash
- Limb amputation
- Broken bones
- Lacerations
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Wrongful death
One of the first questions we often hear when meeting an injured motorcyclist is, “Who will pay my medical bills?” Worrying about the high cost of medical expenses coupled with the necessary time off of work due to injury often leads a person to seek legal counsel. It is a wise choice. Retaining an experienced and skilled Clearlake motorcycle lawyer as soon as possible after an accident will ensure that your legal rights are protected and your monetary compensation is maximized. We often hear that insurance adjusters start calling immediately after an accident and want you to settle quickly and for very little money. A qualified injury lawyer will protect you from lowball settlement offers. The monetary damages that stem from a severe motorcycle accident can stretch for years into the future. It is important to document those future expenses to maximize the settlement amount.
Watch the YouTube video. The clip below documents a ride through Clearlake.
Call Our Clearlake Motorcycle Accident AttorneysOur firm’s compassionate and skilled Clearlake motorcycle accident lawyers are here to help if you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident caused by a negligent motorist. Call us today for free and friendly advice at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. You may send your inquiry via our online contact form if you prefer. We have been helping injured Clearlake and Lake County residents since 1982. See our past verdicts and settlements.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 9.5.23] Image by Scozzy from Pixabay mm llo [cs 735] bw