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Davis Bicycle Accident Lawyer


An increasing number of cities in California and throughout the country are making their infrastructures friendlier for bicyclists by constructing bike paths and bike lanes on roadways. While towns and other parts of the country are jumping on the “bike-friendly” bandwagon, bicycling has played a prominent role in Davis for the past 50 years.

While some surveys and statistics might indicate that bicycling in Davis is not as prevalent as it was in years past, data from the City of Davis’s Bicycle Action Plan estimated that of the city’s 65,622 residents, there were approximately 6,000 commuters who used bicycles as their primary means of transportation.

If you or a family member has suffered severe injuries in a bicycle accident in Davis or elsewhere in Yolo County, call our injury lawyers today at (530) 392-9400 for a free case evaluation.

Bicyclist-Friendly Place

Davis has been a pioneer in making itself a “bicyclist-friendly” place to live does not mean that Davis is always a safe place to ride a bike. Bicyclists must still share roadways and intersections with motor vehicles and large commercial trucks. Statistics from the City of Davis suggest that about 65 bicyclists are involved in crashes and accidents yearly. This puts bicyclists at serious risk of being involved in a Davis bicycle accident.

Whether you are a dedicated and committed cyclist or enjoy the occasional bike ride, you can be seriously injured in a Davis bicycle accident. When you are, the assistance of a dedicated and zealous Davis bicycle accident lawyer can help you recover the monetary compensation you need to meet your financial expenses and obligations.

Frequent Bicycle Accident Injuries

It’s common sense: when a bicyclist and a motor vehicle collide in a crash, the bicyclist is most at risk of suffering severe or catastrophic injuries. The precise extent of a bicyclist’s injuries will depend on several factors, such as the size and speed of the car, the angle at which the bicyclist was struck, the safety equipment that the bicyclist was wearing, and any other obstacles or objects the bicyclist struck if they were thrown from the bicycle. These injuries can include:

  • Cuts, lacerations, and/or “road rash”-type abrasions
  • Broken bones and dislocated joints
  • Groin and pelvic injuries
  • Spine, neck, or spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
More Serious Injuries in a Bicycle Accident

The more serious the injuries the bicyclist suffers, the greater the amount of medical bills and expenses the bicyclist will face. But these bills are just one of the many costs and losses an injured bicyclist can suffer. They may also face:

  • Loss of use of the bicycle
  • Lost wages due to hospitalization or recovery periods
  • Ongoing medical needs or rehabilitation costs
  • Lost future wages due to being temporarily or permanently restricted in the type of work they can perform after the accident.
  • Scars and disfigurement
  • Temporary or permanent disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Losses experienced by the bicyclist’s surviving family members (if the bicyclist sustains fatal injuries)

This makes retaining an experienced and aggressive Davis bicycle accident attorney essential after you or your loved one has been injured in a California bicycle crash. The sooner you hire a lawyer to represent you, the sooner they can investigate the facts and circumstances of your case, take action to preserve critical evidence and locate crucial witnesses, and begin to pursue compensation on your behalf.

Common Causes of Davis Bicycle Accidents

A bicycle accident can be caused by the bicyclist’s negligent (or careless) acts, by one or more involved motorists, or a combination of the two. Generally, California law allows an injured bicyclist to recover compensation from any at-fault party or party, even if the bicyclist contributed to the accident.

A Davis bicyclist can be primarily at fault for an accident and still be entitled to recover some compensation (although the bicyclist’s compensation that they would receive from a motorist who contributed to the crash will be reduced proportionately to the amount of fault attributable to the bicyclist).

Most bicycle accidents happen at intersections where cars and other cyclists meet perpendicularly. (In fact, the City of Davis suggests that almost three-quarters of all bicycle accidents – nearly 75 percent – happen at intersections.) Some of the more common causes of bicycle accidents include a bicyclist and/or a motor vehicle driver who:

  • Fails to yield to opposing traffic or bicyclists while making a left-hand turn
  • Riding or driving too fast for the prevailing road conditions
  • Changing lanes without providing a proper or sufficient signal for others
  • Violating the directions of stop signs and/or traffic lights
  • Opens their car door in the path of a bicyclist
  • Other causes of crashes

Determining the cause of your bicycle accident is just one of the tasks your Davis bicycle accident lawyer will undertake on your behalf. Establishing what caused the crash and how much fault is properly attributable to other motorists is essential in helping you obtain the maximum monetary damages possible for your injuries and losses.

What Not to Do After a Bicycle Accident

You are bicycling around Davis and have just been involved in a bicycle accident. Your next moves and actions can severely impact your future bicycle accident lawsuit. As much as possible, avoid making any of the following mistakes:

  • Saying “I’m sorry” or admitting fault: Even if you are sure you ran a red light or were not paying attention, avoid making statements suggesting that you were entirely at fault for causing the crash. These statements can (and often are) be used against bicyclists to limit or deny compensation. Besides, you do not know what negligent conduct the motorist was engaged in that may have contributed to the accident.
  • Not seeking medical attention as soon as possible: Even if you “feel okay” after an accident, you should still seek medical attention as soon as you can following the crash. You may have suffered internal or latent injuries that have not yet manifested physical symptoms. Prompt medical evaluation and treatment are necessary to limit the damage these severe injuries can cause you. Failing to seek treatment can make linking your injuries to a bicycle crash more difficult. Still, it can also be seen as negligent conduct on your part – meaning your compensation award can be adversely affected.
  • Not taking note of witnesses and evidence: In the moments immediately after your crash, your potential lawsuit is probably the last thing on your mind. Nevertheless, taking note of potential witnesses, taking photographs, recording your observations, and recollecting the crash soon after it occurs can help your future lawsuit’s odds of success. If witnesses observed the impact, note their names and contact information. If you can take photographs of the accident scene and your injuries with your smartphone, do so. Record what you remember about the accident in detail as soon as you can following your accident. Then give this information to your attorney to make efficient and effective use of this material.

The AAA safety video below provides information on safely sharing the road with other vehicles.

Davis Bicycle Accident FAQ

Who is at fault when a bicyclist gets doored?

Traffic laws require bicyclists to ride to the right of traffic or in bike lanes, which places them dangerously close to parked vehicles. Motorists and passengers must check for bicyclists before opening a car door. The person who opens the door in the path of an oncoming bicyclist is usually liable if a cyclist gets doored and suffers injuries.

Do bicyclists have to make a complete stop at stop signs in California? 

While there have been talks of bicyclists heeding the “California Roll” rather than regular stop-sign observance, it is not yet legal in California. Therefore, all bicyclists must come to a complete stop at stop signs instead of rolling through.

Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Davis, CA

At AutoAccident.com, our injury lawyers handle bicycle accident cases in Davis and throughout Yolo County, CA. If you were hurt in a bike crash that was not your fault, call our Davis bicycle accident lawyers at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free, friendly .advice.

We are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the National Association of Distinguished Counsel.

See our past verdicts and settlements.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 7.26.23] Photo by StockSnap_DIQVUFAXXU [cs 1418]