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Dixon Pedestrian Accident Lawyer


Those who love to walk for exercise or simply to get around town are lucky to live in Northern California. The climate and terrain of our region combine to make outdoor adventures particularly enjoyable. However, there is always an element of risk when our strolls take us into areas, including vehicle traffic. Motorists are not always on the lookout for pedestrians, and that can lead to devastating accidents. I’m Ed Smith, a Dixon pedestrian accident lawyer, and if you or your family has been affected by such an accident, the skilled injury lawyers at our firm can help.

Enjoying Dixon California

Dixon is located in a heavily agricultural region, so its residents enjoy access to some of the freshest fruits and vegetables in the country. Everyone that travels along Interstate 80 knows Pedrick Produce at 6850 Sievers Road is the place to shop for locally grown produce, nuts, and other specialty items.

Many travelers make Dixon a stopping point in their journeys to pick up fresh food at Pedrick Produce, visit the Sacramento Valley National Cemetary to visit lost loved ones or partake in one of their many events that honor veterans.

We Are All Pedestrians

At one time or another, we are all pedestrians. For example, exiting your vehicle to walk to a produce stand puts you at risk of being struck by a moving vehicle in the parking area. In fact, parking lots are where many pedestrian accidents occur. Motorists exiting a parking space are sometimes distracted and may not perform the best lookout before moving their vehicle. Others drive too fast within the parking area, which presents a hazard.

Watch the YouTube video. Enjoy this clip of a Dixon pedestrian taking a stroll through Northwest Park.

Pedestrian Accidents on the Rise

Unfortunately, significant accidents involving pedestrians and motorists are not uncommon; in recent years, they have increased. They occur more frequently in urban areas near businesses than on rural roads.

Keeping pedestrians safe is a joint effort between those who walk and those who operate motor vehicles. Pedestrians should stay on sidewalks and follow all traffic signs and signals whenever possible. Motorists have a duty of care to watch out for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists and respect the right-of-way. Because they are so much more vulnerable, pedestrians should practice walking defensively and assuming that motorists cannot see them.

Pedestrian Accidents and Driver Negligence

Distracted driving is an epidemic due to mobile devices taking drivers’ attention away from the road. Distracted driving is a significant cause of pedestrian versus vehicle accidents, but there are other causes. When a pedestrian is injured due to driver negligence, the motorist may be liable and financially responsible for damages. Let’s look at some common examples of driver negligence that can cause a pedestrian accident:

  • Aggressive driving
  • Speeding
  • Disobeying traffic laws
  • Distractions such as texting, talking on a mobile phone, eating, or adjusting the GPS or radio
  • Impaired driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk or at an intersection
  • Drowsy driving
  • Going around a vehicle that has stopped for a pedestrian
Pedestrian Safety – Walk Defensively

Some pedestrian accidents are caused by negligent behavior on the part of the walker. When walking, follow the below advice to help avoid an accident:

  • Keep your senses about you – don’t use earbuds to listen to music or podcasts or talk on the phone.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not walk near traffic while intoxicated.
  • Assume that motorists cannot see you before crossing the street – make eye contact with the driver before walking in front of a stopped vehicle.
  • Wear reflective clothing or carry a flashlight while walking in the evening.
  • Follow all rules of the road.
  • Always look in all directions before crossing a road, even on a green walk signal.
  • When sidewalks are unavailable, walk in the opposite direction of traffic, as far away from vehicles as possible.
Potential Damages in Pedestrian Accidents

In a pedestrian personal injury claim against a negligent driver, there are several categories of recoverable damages:

  • Medical bills: With severe injuries, medical expenses can be astronomical. The negligent driver’s insurance should reimburse medical bills incurred and pay for any future treatment recommended by a physician.
  • Pain and suffering: A skilled pedestrian accident attorney will be able to illustrate how much your life was affected by your injuries. These are called non-economic damages designed to compensate you for your physical pain and emotional suffering following the accident.
  • Lost Income: Serious injuries can take a person off work temporarily or permanently. The negligent driver is financially responsible for losing income and earning capacity.
  • Loss of Consortium: If applicable, the injured person’s spouse may recover monetary damages due to the injuries’ negative effect on the marital relationship.

Many pedestrian accidents result in fatal injuries. In these tragic cases, the deceased’s heirs may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim. These cases are complex, so be sure to seek out an experienced Dixon pedestrian accident attorney.

Heed the Statute of Limitations

The time in which a claim for injuries must be settled or a lawsuit filed adequately in California is within two years. However, if the accident involved a governmental agency, the deadline to act is much shorter, only six months. An injured minor will have two years from his or her 18th birthday. It is essential to seek legal counsel following a pedestrian accident to protect your rights.

Dixon Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Because pedestrians are so vulnerable, any collision with a vehicle can cause severe, even fatal, injuries. If you or someone you love has been injured by a negligent driver while walking, please call to speak with one of our compassionate injury lawyers at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. We are happy to offer free and friendly legal advice.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.8.23] Photo Attribution: MMcB mm [cs 987] cha