Elk Grove Products Liability Lawyer | Free Consultation
Elk Grove Products Liability Lawyer

Products liability is an area of law that falls under personal injury. Products liability lawsuits arise when dangerous and/or defective consumer products cause harm to their users. The Elk Grove products liability lawyers at AutoAccident.com have fiercely advocated for people who have suffered injuries from using dangerous products.
If you or a loved one sustained injuries or were diagnosed with a medical condition due to using a defective or dangerous consumer product, do not hesitate to contact our firm at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for a free consultation.
In Consumer Products, We TrustThose of us who live in the United States can purchase some of the most innovative consumer products in the world. We also trust that these products will be safe. Governmental agencies and non-profit groups that advocate for consumer safety have led to general public confidence that the products we purchase will not cause harm. This subconscious trust in proper testing, design, and manufacturing procedures leads us to buy products in the American marketplace without worrying about associated hazards. Though we have many more safeguards than many other countries, no system is perfect, and sometimes negligence causes our carefully crafted strategies to fail. When a dangerous product is released to the public, injuries and deaths can occur. When negligence causes harm, those who suffer it deserve monetary compensation for the damages they incurred.
Laws to Protect the PublicConsumers are regularly exposed to potentially harmful products despite every effort to keep the American public safe. Often a manufacturer’s defect will remain undetected until the defective product causes harm to a consumer. Similarly, design flaws may not be discovered until it is too late to save consumers or consumers from injury. The same is true with yet-to-be-discovered design flaws. Though the threat of harm cannot be 100% eliminated, California’s law provides remedies if a dangerous product injures a consumer.
One of the first duties of a skilled products liability lawyer is determining at which point the system failed due to negligence in the supply chain. That question will determine which entity or entities should be held liable (legally responsible) for the injuries caused. In many products liability cases, there is more than one defendant. Possible defendants are:
- Part manufacturers
- Assembly manufacturers
- Retailers
- Wholesalers
- Distributors
Manufacturers that produce defective or dangerous products may be liable under a legal concept known as “failure to warn.” The idea is just as it sounds. Product manufacturers must warn the public of any known dangers that may arise from their products. Clear instructions and warnings must be included with the product paperwork or sometimes directly on the labeling. After defective or dangerous product results in consumer harm, one or a combination of the following categories of liability may be the legal basis for a products liability lawsuit:
- Failure to Warn
- Manufacturing Defect
- Design Defect
Nearly all consumer products have the possibility of being defective or dangerous. However, some are more likely than others to cause harm. Below is a list of some of the product types that are commonly the subject of products liability lawsuits:
- Over-the-counter or prescription drugs – such as Metformin, Elmiron, and Zantac. Medications can have dangerous side effects. They also may include incomplete or incorrect instructive paperwork or missing mandated warnings.
- Medical Devices – recent examples in litigation include Allergan Breast Implants and the Paragard IUD.
- Pesticides
- Other Chemicals
- Tobacco
- Tools and Machinery
- Consumables – food and beverages, including alcohol
- Guns and gun accessories
- Toys – many children’s toys include parts that may present a choking hazard. Others may have been constructed with dangerous components, such as lead paint.
- Furniture – cribs may have entrapment hazards, and bookcases are prone to tipping.
- Small appliances – may create electrocution or fire risk. Electric heaters, electric blankets, and BBQs are of particular concern.
- Motor vehicles – motorcycles, ATVs, or other recreational vehicles, trucks.
- Automobile accessories – seatbelts, car seats/booster seats, tires, airbags, tire jacks.
- Apparel could be flammable or include asphyxiation hazards.
- Defective ladders or stepstools.
- Industrial tools and equipment – forklifts, cranes, scaffolding.
When a product is considered particularly dangerous, it is sometimes pulled from the market by a regulatory agency or manufacturer. Below is a list of products that were recently recalled:
- Zantac – several formulations were recalled by the FDA.
- Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder – manufacturer’s recall.
- Takata airbags underwent a manufacturer’s recall.
- Allergan textured breast implants were recalled by the FDA.
- Metformin diabetes drugs were voluntarily recalled by numerous manufacturers.
Below is a video from the Associated Press reporting on the Zantac recalls.
Injuries Resulting from Dangerous or Defective ProductsInjuries resulting from dangerous or defective consumer products are often overlooked. Sometimes, it is not immediately apparent that the injuries or medical harm were caused by a defective product. This delay in realizing the causation happens a lot with hazardous medications. Even when the causation is clear, sometimes people feel overwhelmed by the thought of taking on a large corporation. The products liability attorneys at AutoAccident.com believe it is important to hold negligent businesses accountable. Consumers should not be injured by a product sold in the American marketplace.
Below is a list of some of the injuries commonly caused by dangerous products:
- Lacerations
- Broken Bones
- Poisoning
- Electrocution
- Suffocation
- Cancer caused by a dangerous drug
- Head Injuries
- Burns
- Paralysis
- Disfigurement
Taking action against a rich and powerful company takes courage. But consider that recovery from severe injuries may take months or even years. Often, injured people suffer from chronic pain for the rest of their lives or live with permanent disabilities. If you have suffered injuries caused by a dangerous product, you must get informed about your legal rights and options. Our law firm has the depth of experience required to take on such a case, and we invite you to contact us to discuss your claim without obligation.
Products Liability Lawyers in Elk Grove, CAIf you or anyone you love has sustained injuries or been diagnosed with a medical condition caused by the use of a defective or dangerous consumer product, it is essential to protect your rights. We will happily discuss your legal rights with you at no obligation. Call our experienced Elk Grove products liability lawyers today at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 to arrange a consultation. We also have an online contact form.
Our website’s verdicts and settlements section will give you a good idea of our successful case results.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 7.17.23] Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay mm [cs 1099] cha