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Fort Bragg Brain Injury Lawyer


A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most devastating injuries anyone can sustain in an accident. Not only does this pose significant problems in the immediate aftermath, but it also can cause life-long complications.

Traumatic brain injuries are hard to predict and challenging to treat. New technology has helped doctors detect and treat traumatic brain injuries more quickly. However, TBIs remain debilitating and life-changing for the injured victims and their families.

After sustaining a TBI, you must focus on recovering and learning to adapt to your new daily routine. Worrying about paying for your medical expenses and providing for your family should be the last thing on your mind. That’s why consulting with an experienced and knowledgeable injury attorney is essential.

If you or a loved one has suffered a severe head injury in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, call our Fort Bragg brain injury lawyers at (707) 564-1900 for a free consultation and learn about your legal options.

Long-Term Effects of Brain Injuries

Most traumatic brain injuries are caused by unexpected, sudden, and unfortunate accidents. These accidents are preventable and are commonly a result of negligence. A traumatic brain injury can happen due to a car accident, a fall, or an assault. When a head injury happens, the brain cannot operate properly. It causes cognitive loss and may leave the injured individual unable to function or comatose. It causes disability that can disrupt daily life, making it difficult to work and perform day-to-day activities.

Common Signs and Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries can have long-term psychological and physical effects. Some symptoms may appear right after the accident, while others may not until days or weeks later. Below are some signs and symptoms to look for:

  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Mental deterioration
  • Mood change
  • Paralysis
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Seizures
  • Slurred speech
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Vomiting
Seek Immediate Medical Attention

It’s always best to see a doctor immediately after your head injury. This is especially true since many who suffer head injuries don’t immediately develop significant complications. Delaying treatment can significantly increase potential complications and, in some cases, the chances of death. A trip to an emergency room or doctor’s office for an evaluation can prevent catastrophic consequences.

Treatments for Brain Injuries

Various treatments can help the injured victim recover from a brain injury and reduce specific emotional, physical, and cognitive issues associated with a traumatic brain injury. The specific treatment will depend on how severe the injury is and where it is located in the brain. Most patients will benefit from therapy treatments to help with long-term recovery. They may include:

Watch the following video to learn more about how doctors monitor and treat patients with traumatic brain injuries.


Assisting Fort Bragg Residents with Brain Injuries

Our Fort Bragg brain injury attorneys work hard to give our clients a personalized and satisfactory experience. We believe that every relationship between the client and attorney is unique. We take a holistic approach to truly get to know each client and their family. We believe focusing on our clients as an individual helps us understand their needs and goals.

Why You Need an Experienced Fort Bragg Brain Injury Attorney 

As a member of the Brain Injury Association of America, we’ve represented clients with major traumatic brain injuries for many years. Since 1982, we have carefully planned many practical strategies for battling insurance companies in TBI cases. Our experienced legal team works hard on TBI cases and investigates each one thoroughly. This allows us to present the strongest case possible. Our experience and negotiation skills make it possible to demand our clients’ highest verdicts and settlements. We’ll handle all the legal procedures while you just concentrate on recovering.

Brain Injury Lawyers in Fort Bragg, CA

After suffering a traumatic brain injury in an accident in Fort Bragg, the last thing you want to do is deal with the insurance companies. If you or a family member has suffered severe head trauma in an accident caused by negligence, please call our experienced Fort Bragg brain injury lawyers today at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly and compassionate advice.

See our past cases on our Verdicts and Settlements page.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 10.13.23] Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash cha llo [cs 746]