Fibula Fracture Lawyer
Fibula Fracture Lawyer

The two long bones in the leg are the fibula and the tibia. In terms of the shaft, the fibula is a non-weight-bearing bone. Compared to the tibia, it is much thinner and smaller. An isolated fracture of the fibula is rare compared to broken fibular shaft cases with accompanying tibia fractures or the involvement of ligaments. Isolated fibula fracture cases are most common in the younger population due to the type of injury responsible for the break. People involved in traffic collisions, pedestrian accidents, and contact sports are at a higher risk of sustaining this type of bone fracture.
If you have suffered a fibula fracture in an accident, it is essential to retain legal counsel right away to protect your rights. Contact our law firm today to get started and receive free, friendly advice from our personal injury attorneys in Sacramento at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
Our law firm aims to obtain full and fair compensation for those who have suffered traumatic injuries such as bone fractures in crashes caused by negligence. We have decades of collective experience handling and litigating personal injury cases involving broken bones. Our accident attorneys will be by your side throughout the legal process and advocate on your behalf. Reach out to us today and learn more about how we can help you through this difficult time.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Fracture of the Fibula Shaft?Symptoms of a fractured fibula may include:
- A change in the appearance of the lower leg
- Bruising and bleeding in the leg
- Coldness and numbness in the foot
- Difficulty bearing weight on the affected leg
- Pain or tenderness in the lower leg that may worsen with movement
An x-ray, both lateral and anterior-posterior (AP) views, is necessary for making a diagnosis of a broken fibula.
How is a Fractured Fibula Treated?An isolated fracture of the fibula, or a twisted ankle, does not affect the ankle joint. Therefore, it may often be treated through immobilization with a cast or splint for several weeks, with no need for surgical intervention. Treatment will generally depend on the type of fibular shaft fracture and the severity of the break in the bone and surrounding ligaments.
In most cases, the treatment for an isolated fracture of the fibula is non-operative. Since the fibular shaft is a non-weight-bearing bone, patients may be treated with weight-bearing exercises. This will be handled as a tolerated restriction, meaning the patient will place as much weight as feels comfortable on the injured limb. If pain is experienced, the patient will be advised to place less weight. Some physicians may use a medical walking boot to provide comfort.
Types of Surgical Techniques for Fibula FracturesSurgical procedures for a fracture of the fibular shaft may include:
- Closed Reduction and Immobilization: A doctor will set the bone in proper alignment without surgery. Immobilization will be through a short-leg or long-leg cast.
- External Fixation: A physician will use rods, clamps, and pins to stabilize the break from the outside.
- Internal Fixation: This technique involves connecting nails, rods, plates, and screws with the broken bones. These will be inserted under the skin.
- Open Reduction: A surgeon will expose the bone through a surgical technique to set it back in its proper position. This type of surgical procedure is generally performed in open fracture cases, and it may be accompanied by external or internal fixation.
- Percutaneous Pinning: This is a way to provide support to unstable fractures. A physician will insert wires across the break to hold the bone fragments in place until they have healed. Wires are removed once the fracture has completed the healing process.
- Medication: When a patient has suffered an open fracture, they will receive analgesics for pain management and antibiotics for infection prevention. A physician may also administer a tetanus shot in some cases if necessary.
Complications that accompany fibula shaft fractures are rare. However, they may exist. These include:
- Abnormal pressure building up in the muscles that surround the ankle
- Chronic pain
- Long-term swelling of the injured extremity
- Permanent damage to the blood vessels and nerve surrounding the ankle joint
- Permanent disability or abnormal deformity of the ankle
Most fibular shaft fractures do not involve severe complications. Patients generally return to normal activities and make a full recovery within a few weeks or several months.
How Long is Physical Therapy After a Fractured Fibula?A fracture of the fibular shaft may be extremely painful. However, bedrest and letting the injury heal on its own is not the best approach. Physical therapy is generally recommended to patients to help regain motion and strength. Rehabilitation is also useful in preventing such bone fractures in the future. In addition to rehab, patients may decrease this risk by following these steps:
- Wear footwear that provides ample support
- Incorporate calcium-rich foods into a regular diet to assist in building bone strength
- Perform weight-bearing exercises to assist in bone strengthening
When an individual has suffered a fibular shaft fracture in an accident caused by the negligence of another party or entity, they may be entitled to financial recovery through a personal injury claim. However, if the claimant has a preexisting condition, it may affect their ability to be awarded compensation that covers all losses incurred.
A preexisting condition is one in which the injured party suffered before the accident in which they seek financial recovery in a civil case. It may affect a claim for damages because the other party may dispute the case and say the injuries were unrelated to the incident in question. Even if this is not the case, any preexisting condition may be used against the injured party to decrease the value of an insurance settlement offer made by the insurer.
Having a history of medical documentation of a preexisting injury may be useful in proving how such conditions were aggravated because of the accident. Keep in mind that what is considered reasonable and necessary is contextual and may change based upon the facts and circumstances of the case. If you are concerned about how your preexisting medical condition may impact your claim, reach out to an experienced accident attorney to go over the details of your personal injury case. For details on how to find the best local personal injury lawyer to handle your fibula fracture case, watch the video below.
How to Prove Medical Costs as Reasonable and NecessarySince there is a wide array of treatment options liability coverage may pay for, claimants may be able to claim compensation for medical expenses incurred if the case is successful. With that being said, insurance companies often use defense tactics to claim that some of the treatments are not covered.
There are several ways insurers try to get out of paying full and fair compensation on a bodily injury claim. This may include the contractual language of the insurance policy where it may state that the insurer may dispute the reasonable cost of the health service that was provided to the injured party. In other situations, insurance companies may require extensive medical documentation of the charges and services before issuing payment, particularly in medical payments (med-pay) claims.
Recovering past and future medical bills may be challenging without the assistance of a skilled injury lawyer. Those who do not retain legal counsel may risk being taken advantage of by insurance carriers. Every dollar saved on an insurance settlement is a dollar less in compensation for the claimant and a dollar more in profit for the insurer.
What is the Filing Deadline for a Personal Injury Claim?The time in which a lawsuit must be filed in civil court is known as the statute of limitations. The ideal situation would be settling with the insurance company before the deadline expires. However, that is not always the case as insurers may be unreasonable, and filing suit is often necessary in moving forward with the case. If a civil case is not filed within the time limit, the claimant may lose the right to recovery of personal injury damages. With some exceptions, the deadlines that may apply to fibular shaft fracture cases in California are as follows:
- Personal Injury: Under the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 335.1, a personal injury suit must be filed within two years of the incident date.
- Medical Malpractice: A lawsuit for medical malpractice must be filed within three years from the date of the accident or one year after the injury has been discovered through reasonable diligence, whichever occurs first. Refer to the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 340.5 for more details.
- Government Entity: A notice of claim must be brought with the appropriate public agency within six months of the accident date, as outlined in California Government Code Section 911.2.
Consult an experienced injury attorney in your area for accurate information on your specific case.
Contact a Fibula Fracture Attorney TodayIf you have suffered a traumatic injury like a fibular shaft fracture in an accident, our lawyers can answer any questions you may have and advise you of your rights. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning there will not be any charge for our legal services unless we recover fair compensation on your behalf. We also offer free, friendly case advice.
Our legal team understands that no amount of compensation cannot undo the pain or change what occurred, but we have seen firsthand how it helps injured parties move forward with their lives. Contact one of our experienced fibula fracture lawyers today to learn more about your rights and potential options for recovery at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
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