Healing Touch
Healing Touch

Neurologists and neurosurgeon will generally agree that there are few modalities for treating the brain-injured patient. Besides watching and waiting, few medical modalities work to maximize brain injury, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. They don’t realize that there are dozens of alternative therapeutic modalities that have been in place for many years that can help the brain injured person heal faster and to a higher degree.
The practice of healing touch is considered a holistic energy therapy that makes use of gentle and non-invasive touch that supports the human energy system around the body and within the body. It is designed to restore healing energy, harmonize the body and balance the energy system of the person receiving the healing touch. The healing touch techniques usually use the hands to affect the human energy field so that there is healing, an increase in physical health and improvements in emotional spiritual and mental health. It is considered complementary to conventional medicine and is used in collaboration with traditional modalities to affect healing and health.
How Does Healing Touch Work?In healing touch, the hands are passed over the body in specific ways, but they don’t even touch the person. It is using healing energy emanating from the hands to help the brain injured person. Most hospitals allow healing touch practitioners to work on the patient in that it is non-invasive and “certainly can’t hurt the patient.” In one case, a brain-injured patient was suffering from autonomic nerve dysfunction, and this would manifest itself in tachycardia (high heart rate) and fever.
The healing energy/touch therapists were called in by the family and, following the treatment, the patient’s heart was erratic at first but then settled into a regular rhythm and temperature. The doctors could find no explanation for her improvement, but the family was convinced it was the healing touch that improved her signs and symptoms.
History of Healing TouchHealing touch was initially developed as an energy therapy by a nurse by the name of Janet Mentgen, who used healing touch therapy since the early 1980s. She and her colleagues developed a vital training program that incorporated her techniques as well as techniques practiced by the aborigines and ancient shamans.
Those who practice healing touch believe that humans are fields of energy continually interacting with other people in the environment. The goal of this kind of therapy is to purposely make use of the energy interaction between the healing touch practitioner and the patient. This restores the patient’s energy balance and helps them heal better and faster.
In a session of healing touch, the practitioner calms his or her own mind, centers themselves and makes way for a sense of compassion and being fully present with the patient being treated. Then the practitioner focuses on his or her intention on the patient’s greater good and places his or her hands very lightly on the patient’s body. He or she may make sweeping motions above the body. The practitioner believes that this is the process that aligns and balances the energy flow that has become disrupted by pain, stress, or illness. Blockages in the energy flow are opened up, so the patient is optimally healing from whatever is wrong with him or her.
Where are the Techniques Used?This technique can complement other healing methods that a patient might already have tried or been using. It can be used in hospitals, in-home care, clinics or nursing homes and can be used with music therapy, biofeedback, acupressure, and psychotherapy. It is not designed to be a cure by itself.
In this long section, I’ve tried to give an overview of the various methods employed by alternative medicine to help symptomology often associated with brain injury. I do not endorse any of the above methodologies although I personally have found many to be helpful. As a holistic attorney, I merely set them out as avenues that have helped many and harmed few.
The video below explains how doctors at Cincinnati Children’s use the healing touch technique to soothe and balance the patient.
Sacramento Traumatic Brain Injury LawyersI’m Ed Smith, a traumatic brain injury lawyer in Sacramento. The practice of healing touch is considered a holistic therapy that supports the human energy system within the body. If a family member has been injured in a traumatic accident call me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for my free, friendly advice.
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Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 1.12.21]