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Motivation for amputees

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Although an amputation is a serious setback to most anyone, some people are able to do amazing things despite such a setback. Learn about how others have found motivation through life’s struggles and hardships. Many of the things that they teach can be applied to the challenges experienced by amputees. 

What defines you?

Is it your amputation? Listen to this amazing woman who refused to let others define who she was.

This amazing Man has an attitude we call can take points from.

Another amazing video of the determination and grit of a one-year-old.

Although, an amputation is a serious setback to most anyone, some people are able to do amazing things despite such a setback. Watch the amazing video below:

No matter the injury, that injury does not have to define you or destroy your positive attitude on life. It is true that changes will have to happen in one’s life after a disabling injury, but that does not have to change your purpose or drive for life. Learn to be the best person you can be despite your injuries.