Sacramento School Bus Accident Lawyer
Your School Bus Accident Attorney in Sacramento

According to a National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) study that examined school transportation-related crashes, between 2003-2012, 174 school-age children died in school transportation-related crashes. Of that number, 55 were passengers on the transportation vehicles and 119 were pedestrians. During that same time period, about 90 school bus-related accidents happened, in which at least one student died. Over half of these accidents–58%–involved another vehicle.
Accidents involving school buses also cause many injuries. A study conducted by the CIRP (Center for Injury Research and Policy) at Columbus Children’s Hospital found that school bus-related injuries occur three times more than previously thought. By examining data on the injuries instead of the deaths, the CIRP found that Emergency Departments treat approximately 17,000 school bus-related injuries annually.
Common Causes of School Bus AccidentsSo why are there so many school bus transportation-related accidents? One cause is the lack of experience and training on the part if some bus drivers. Handling a huge bus full of rowdy children is not the same as driving a car or even an SUV. Another common cause of accidents is driving in bad weather conditions, either poor visibility due to rain or fog, or poor road conditions due to snow or ice.
Other causes of school bus-related accidents pertain to the bus driver’s condition. Fatigued drivers can fall asleep at the wheel, miss traffic signals or have delayed reaction times. Excessive speed, especially in consideration of the size of a school bus, is also a common factor in accidents. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can cause school bus accidents.
The video below shows a compilation of school bus crashes.
Preventing School Bus Related Accidents & InjuriesSome recommendations to prevent school bus-related accidents include thorough background checks, random drug screening, and psychological testing while the drivers are employed. Better initial training for bus drivers as well as annual refresher courses have also been suggested as ways to improve the safety of school bus transportation.
Parents can play an important role in keeping their children safe on school buses, too. While seat belts are mandatory on school buses in California, not all kids will use them. Parents need to remind their children about how important this safety feature is, and of the awful consequences that can happen when they do not use them. Similarly, behaving appropriately on a school bus is important to the overall safety of the trip. School children must understand that any out of control behavior can result in the bus getting out of control.
Why Sacramento Personal Injury Attorney Ed Smith?If you or your child has been involved in a school bus transportation-related accident, you need to obtain as much information as possible about the bus (was it operating properly?), the bus driver (was the driver alert? Was he or she under the influence?), and the road conditions at the time of the accident (were the roads slick? Or, was there poor visibility?). In addition, some school buses have video cameras, and footage from the cameras should be obtained. Only an experienced Sacramento, California accident attorney can guide you through this process, protect your rights and ensure that you recover for your losses.
Sacramento School Bus Accident LawyerI’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento School Bus Accident Attorney with the primary accident information site on the web, If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a school bus accident caused by the negligence of another, call our injury attorneys now at 916.921.6400 or 800.404.5400 for free, friendly advice.
We are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the National Association of Distinguished Counsel.
See our case history of verdicts and settlements and our client reviews on Google, Yelp, and Avvo.
Photo by James Day on Unsplash
Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 11.9.20]