Pacheco Brain Injury Lawyer
Pacheco Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries are serious types of trauma that can often lead to long-term hospitalization and care, resulting in high medical costs. Many times, the accidents that lead to a traumatic brain injury are the result of negligence for a variety of reasons. The one thing they have in common besides the trauma is that when it wasn’t your fault, a Pacheco brain injury lawyer can help you or your family obtain the compensation you require to cover those medical expenses and lost wages and pain and suffering.
Should I Contact a Lawyer if my Loved One or I Suffered a Brain Injury?California law gives you the right to recover compensation if you or your loved one suffers a TBI due to another’s negligence. However, contacting an injury lawyer right away is essential to gather evidence to support your claim. In addition, California has a two-year statute of limitations in which you can sue in court. After that date, the case will not be allowed.
Call for Help After Suffering a TBIAt, we have the experience, tenacity, and resources to take your case to a successful conclusion. Obtaining legal advice from a Pacheco brain injury lawyer is the first step to recovering the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free, confidential consultation, call us at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. Your case will be reviewed, and options for recovery discussed. Your consultation can be scheduled either in person or virtually.
Traumatic Brain Injuries: How Common Are They?A high number of traumatic brain injuries occur each year. In the United States, 166 people died after sustaining a traumatic brain injury in 2019. More than 233,000 people had to be hospitalized. Even after an initial recovery, TBIs can end up causing emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social problems.
For example, following a moderate TBI, many people experience some level of recovery following rehabilitation. About half of these patients will show signs of cognitive impairment within the next five-year period or will die. The following severe signs of TBI persist among some survivors after five years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- Half of the patients who suffer a moderate TBI are hospitalized.
- Those who remain moderately or severely disabled represent about 55 percent of the survivors.
- Fifty percent of moderate TBI survivors are unemployed.
- Alcohol or drug addiction is found in about 29 percent of TBI survivors.
- Twelve percent end up in assisted living due to their inability to care for themselves.
- Around one-third of TBI, moderate-injury survivors require assistance performing daily activities.
- About 29 percent are generally dissatisfied.
A TBI happens when someone experiences a jolt or blow to their head that causes a disruption in the way the brain normally functions. The severity of the injury depends on how forceful the trauma was, which is why a TBI can be minor to severe and result in varying periods of unconsciousness or none at all. Medium to severe TBIs or repeated injuries can result in brain damage and memory loss and cause permanent disability. A Pacheco brain injury attorney can help you obtain the compensation you need to care for a loved one who is permanently disabled by a TBI.
What Are the Common Causes of a Brain Injury?The following are a few examples of accidents that can result in brain injuries:
- Slip, trip, and fall accidents: Although they can happen at any age, these types of injury accidents that result in a TBI commonly occur in 65 or older.
- Motor vehicle accidents, including motorcycles: Most TBIs result from the actions of a negligent driver and are common in younger motorists.
- Bicycle and pedestrian accidents: Because of their vulnerability, bicyclists and pedestrians often suffer a TBI when struck by a motor vehicle.
- Medical malpractice: Less common, a TBI may result from malpractice such as not monitoring anesthetics properly. They can also be caused when a patient falls due to improper care.
- Dangerous products: Exposure to certain gasses or substances at the workplace can create a chemically-induced TBI, especially in manufacturing plants or construction sites.
- Injury accidents at the workplace: Being struck on the head by a falling object because of a lack of safety measures and others can cause a TBI.
- Intentional acts such as assault: Assault, gunshot wounds, and being struck intentionally by a heavy object can cause a traumatic brain injury.
- Sports injuries: Repeated concussions when playing sports such as football can result in long-term cognitive deficits and changes in personality.
Depending on the type and severity of the trauma, brain injuries can range from mild to severe. Hospitalization is not usually necessary for less severe trauma, but it is for more serious ones. How the injury is treated depends on its severity and potential complications:
- Concussion: In traffic accidents, falls, or while playing sports, hitting your head can result in a concussion. After impact, the head moves rapidly back and forth, causing this form of brain injury. In many people, concussions heal in a few months, but cognitive changes, headaches, and other symptoms can persist for a year after the injury.
- Broken skull: When the skull breaks or cracks, a bone fragment can penetrate the brain and cause damage. It often results in leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the ears or nose. Leaking cerebrospinal fluid indicates an opening in the surface of the brain caused by trauma. These conditions often lead to seizures and infections.
- Hematoma: Hematomas, caused by ruptured blood vessels, sometimes pool in the brain. In a hematoma, the bleeding occurs on the brain’s surface or between the layers. A hematoma inside the skull can cause swelling and negatively impact brain function. It is often necessary to surgically remove the blood to prevent further damage and death. In older people, hematomas may resorb by themselves if they are small.
- Edema: Swelling in the brain may be caused by an accumulation of fluid. There is no room for the brain to expand within the skull since it is rigidly enclosed. When this happens, the brain cannot get the oxygen it needs. This can lead to irreversible damage or death. Several measures can be taken to reduce the swelling and pressure on the brain.
- Coma: A serious accident can induce a coma in which the victim cannot regain consciousness because of brain damage. The intensity of the injury may also affect whether or not the victim will regain consciousness. Occasionally, a medically induced coma may be employed. It is reversible and provides time for the brain to heal.
- Diffuse Axonal Injury: When the brain shifts suddenly inside the skull, the axons of the nerve cells are severed, causing massive damage. Although a high percentage of those who suffer this type of injury can recover with intensive rehabilitation, others die due to the brain damage.
A Pacheco brain injury lawyer at our firm can investigate the particulars of your case and collect the evidence needed to support your claim. Without evidence collection to build a strong suit, your case cannot go forward. No piece of evidence slips through our fingers, nor do we fail to give any case our full attention. Our obligation and driving force are to provide compensation for your injury.
The following is a video from attorney Ed Smith about choosing an injury lawyer:
Pacheco Brain Injury LawyerSince 1982, the injury lawyers at have supported and worked hard to obtain the compensation our clients deserve following a TBI. We understand how your life has been upended and the massive medical bills and other costs you may face in the future. Our legal team has the tenacity, resources, and experience to bring your claim to a successful conclusion and help you go forward without financial worries adding to your stress. Call us at (916) 921-6400, (800) 404-5400, or contact us online to schedule a free case review, either virtually or in person, to find out about your options.
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
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