Paradise Brain Injury Lawyer |
Paradise Brain Injury Lawyer

Paradise in Butte County is still recovering from the deadly wildfire of 2018, but plans are being made to rebuild safely to protect residents from the danger of wildfires. Whether you are planning to rebuild or are settling elsewhere, traffic accidents, collisions, and other causes of brain injuries occur far too often. Almost any type of accident can result in brain injuries, which can be life-changing. The injured party has the right to seek compensation with an injury lawyer when they are harmed by a negligent driver or another entity.
Traumatic Brain Injury: What Is It?A traumatic brain injury can be caused by a jolt, a bump, or rapid back-and-forth head movement. External damage doesn’t even have to be visible. Sometimes, only minor symptoms will appear and will heal over time. Others may suffer devastating effects and become disabled or die from TBI. The following are some ways in which TBIs occur:
- Most brain injuries are caused by falls. They may occur on private property due to an uneven or heaved sidewalk, on a poorly lit staircase with a wobbly handrail, or for other reasons. When someone’s negligence was the cause, the injured party can place a claim to recover compensation.
- The second most common cause of TBIs is traffic accidents. Passenger vehicles and trucks and collisions involving motorcyclists, pedestrians, and bicyclists cause significant trauma to many people every year.
- Traumatic brain injuries occur in many sports, especially young people and children. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, it is estimated that 21 percent of all TBIs occur in adolescents and children due to a sport they are playing.
- Assaults and other types of intentional acts cause brain injuries.
No, even a minor fender-bender or fall can cause a TBI. This is why it is so essential for people who have experienced an accident to get checked out medically. If a TBI occurs and negligence by another individual or entity is the cause, they may want to seek financial compensation. At, we have successfully obtained compensation for many suffering from brain trauma.
What Are the Different Types of TBIs?The severity of brain injury varies from case to case, and while minor trauma usually doesn’t require hospitalization, the more severe types do. Treatment and the future prognosis depend on the injury’s extent and any complications. Following are the types of TBIs that are encountered, many of which are the result of an accident:
- Concussions: A jolt, bump, or blow to the head can lead to a concussion, common in a traffic accident or fall. This brain injury is often caused by the rapid back-and-forth movement of the head during the impact of a collision. Most heal with time, but headaches and cognitive changes can continue in some people.
- Hemorrhage: A hemorrhage occurs between the skull and the brain itself and can be life-threatening due to the accumulation of blood and swelling, which cuts off the oxygen supply. Treatment and prognosis depend on their severity and location.
- Hematoma: Blood clots on the surface of the brain are called hematomas. They appear anywhere in the brain as blood collections between the skull and the brain’s protective covering called the dura mater. Hematomas may subside independently or worsen over time, requiring surgical drainage or a craniotomy.
- Edema: Swelling of the brain can happen because of trapped fluid. Because the brain is encased inside the skull, swelling can restrict oxygen, which can have disastrous consequences. Damage can be irreversible or lead to death.
- Fractured skull: When parts of the head break or crack due to an accident, the brain may be damaged. The cerebrospinal fluid can leak through the nose or ears during a skull fracture, resulting in infection or seizures.
- Anoxic/hypoxic brain injuries: Those who suffer from anoxic or hypoxic brain injuries have a shortage of oxygen to part of the brain. Both injuries are generally attributed to breathing pattern disruptions.
- Diffuse Axonal Injury: The extensions of the nerve cells, the axons, are sheared off when the brain shifts suddenly within the skull, causing massive damage. The nerve cells cannot communicate if the trauma is severe enough, resulting in permanent damage. Not only will the patient face severe disabilities, but he or she may also be at high risk of coma and death.
Many people seek compensation for personal injury damages from a person or their insurance company when they face hospitalization or permanent disability due to a brain injury. It can be difficult or impossible to care for yourself after a severe injury because recovery can be lengthy, or the trauma can cause cognitive deficits. Most families cannot handle the financial or physical burden on their own and require assistance. The following areas may be compensated:
- It is possible to recover all medical expenses related to the accident. The costs of ambulances, hospitalization, surgeries, testing, physician bills, prescriptions, and rehabilitation are included. Taxi fares and gasoline expenses for doctor visits are also recoverable as out-of-pocket costs.
- Injury lawyers can include future medical costs in settlements when brain injuries are predicted to last long or result in permanent disability.
- Recovering lost wages is possible. Injured workers can recover the difference in pay, even if they must take a lower-paying position or return to work on a limited basis. Assume the injured party cannot enter the workforce because of their permanent disability. The amount of their salary up to their expected retirement, including bonuses, insurance, and pension, can be reclaimed.
- Compensating the spouse for losing consortium, moral support, and affection is possible.
Over the years, our firm has successfully handled several brain injury claims to help injured parties get fair compensation. Our firm operates on a contingency basis as a personal injury attorney. We do not get paid until we win our client’s case. You can receive a rclient’s free, no-obligation claim review from us to answer your questions, determine whether you have a case, and determine the options available to collect damages.
In the following video, attorney Ed Smith discusses how you can choose the right lawyer following your injury accident.
Call Our Paradise Brain Injury LawyersSevere traumatic brain injuries can result in extensive hospitalizations and high medical bills. The financial strain on a family can be tremendous. You can seek a compensation claim if you have been injured due to a negligent driver or other entity. Call our Paradise brain injury attorneys in Butte County at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice.
See how we have obtained maximum Settlements and Verdicts for our clients since 1982.
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