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Pediatric Wrist and Hand Injury Lawyer

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Pediatric Wrist and Hand Injury Lawyer

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Injuries to the wrist and hand have become more prevalent in the pediatric population due to children being more involved in high-impact sports. Trauma to the wrist and hand often occurs in childhood and has been found to lead to a wide array of soft tissue and bony injuries. Some of the most common wrist and hand injuries orthopedists see in pediatric patients include amputations, nailbed injuries, phalangeal fractures, radius fractures, metacarpal fractures, and scaphoid fractures. Such injuries may present various challenges to orthopedic surgeons and require immediate medical treatment for optimal outcomes in pediatric patients.

Motor vehicle collisions and other accidents are common causes of injury to children. If a recent crash injured your child, our skilled pediatric hand and wrist injury attorneys could help you seek maximum compensation. For free, friendly case advice, call (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.

At AutoAccident.com, we have handled personal injury cases across California since 1982. When you turn to us for assistance, we will work to determine the cause of the accident that led to your child’s injuries, the extent of the resulting losses, and who should be held liable. Our legal team will use their experience, skills, and resources to present the true extent of your child’s injuries and losses to the insurance company or defense counsel in settlement negotiations or to a jury in a trial. We will advocate for your child and protect your family’s best interests every step of the way. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help your family.

Common Types of Pediatric Hand and Wrist Injuries

The most common fractures in the pediatric population are those of the distal radius or wrist. These comprise approximately 20 to 36 percent of bone fractures in adolescents. Studies have suggested an increased incidence of pediatric distal radius fractures over the past four decades from body weight or increased participation in sports. Case reports have also noted that rates are the highest in girls 11.5-12.5 years old and in boys 13.5-14.5 years old.

Scaphoid fractures are uncommon in the pediatric population and account for approximately 0.45 percent of all fractures in the upper extremities. Such injuries are often the result of falls on outstretched hands, a common mechanism that disrupts the ligamentous and osseous structures of the wrist. Studies have suggested that it is not uncommon for pediatric scaphoid fractures to be missed on initial presentation. Immediate medical treatment is necessary to prevent a missed fracture from developing into nonunion and becoming a source of disability and chronic pain.

Fractures of the metacarpal are divided into base, shaft, neck, and head fractures. The most common metacarpal fractures are those that involve the shaft and neck. While metacarpal head fractures in the pediatric population are rare, they generally affect older adolescents. The involvement of capsular hematoma has reportedly been linked to growth arrest and avascular necrosis in metacarpal head fracture cases in children.

How are Pediatric Wrist and Hand Injuries Treated?

Treatment of distal radius fractures in pediatric patients generally involves a short period of immobilization in either a short arm cast or a wrist splint. Significant displacement is often involved for bicortical and physeal injuries, and initial treatment usually involves immobilization and closed reduction. Treatment for acute scaphoid fractures in children involves thumb spica casting in most cases. Displaced fractures in pediatric patients may require immediate surgical intervention. Metacarpal shaft and neck fractures in pediatric patients involve treatment with casting or splinting via intrinsic plus position and closed reduction.

Mild phalangeal displacement fractures in children may be treated with buddy taping and closed reduction. Avulsion fractures involving the ulnar collateral ligament may require surgery if there is a presence of an incongruent joint or collateral ligament instability. Non-operative management is generally indicated for proximal phalangeal shaft fractures via casting or splinting in the intrinsic plus position and reduction. Treatment of distal phalanx fractures in pediatric patients typically includes hyperextension splinting.

National Data on Unintentional Injuries in Children

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unintentional injury is the top reason for death in young children and teenagers in the U.S. Some leading causes of accidental injury to children include falls and traffic accidents. The CDC notes that injuries in the pediatric population are often preventable. According to the CDC, strategies geared toward focused prevention can help reduce injuries and deaths of children. This includes appropriately using seat belts, booster seats, and car seats.

What Should You Do if Your Child is Injured in an Accident?

Nothing is more devastating than seeing your child suffer traumatic injuries in an accident. This is especially true if the incident resulted from someone else’s careless or negligent actions. For most legal guardians and parents, such a thing may never occur to their child. When it does, it is essential to be prepared and know how to proceed in your situation:

  • Medical Treatment: As a parent or guardian, your priority is your child’s health and well-being. If your child was not treated at the hospital, schedule an appointment with their physician immediately. Keep in mind that the insurance company may interpret a delay or gap in medical care as an injury unrelated to the incident or not as severe as reported.
  • Closely Monitor Your Child: An accident may be traumatic and life-changing for a child. Therefore, watching your child closely and noting abnormal or worrisome behavior is essential. There may be the possibility that your child is experiencing symptoms of an injury that may not present itself immediately, such as a spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury.
  • Exchange Information: If you and your child were involved in an accident, exchange personal and insurance information with other parties involved. Ask for their contact information if there were any eyewitnesses to the traffic collision. Take pictures of the crash site if possible, including roadway signage, damage to involved vehicles, and road conditions (e.g., weather, lighting, etc.).
  • Request the Police Report: The parent or legal guardian of a child injured in a crash should have received information on which law enforcement agency or other entity responded to the incident. Afterward, they may contact that entity for a copy of the traffic incident report.
  • Report the Incident to the Insurance Company: It is crucial to report the accident to the insurance carrier immediately, ideally within 48 hours. Do not agree to a recorded statement nor engage in settlement negotiations without retaining legal counsel. Before any discussion of resolving the matter, discuss your case in detail in a free consultation with an accident attorney.
  • Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer: A thorough and comprehensive investigation of an accident involving a minor child starts with hiring the best pediatric hand and wrist injury attorney. As part of an investigation, your lawyer will gather and preserve evidence immediately before it is destroyed or lost as time goes on.

The hours, days, and weeks following an accident involving a minor child may be exhausting and overwhelming, to say the least. Knowing that help is available, and only a phone call away may ease your stress. The legal team from AutoAccident.com is prepared to help your family through this difficult time. Watch the video below about the services we provide and how we can assist you.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Damages in a Pediatric Wrist and Hand Injury Case?

As a parent or legal guardian of an injured child, determining which parties should be held accountable for injuries and losses may feel like an uphill battle. That is where an experienced pediatric wrist and hand injury lawyer comes in. Keep in mind that personal injury cases involving minor children may be challenging to navigate, and there may be more than one negligent party involved. With the assistance of an experienced accident attorney, you can rest assured knowing that your lawyer will work to identify all at-fault parties.

How Much Time Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Claim for a Minor Child in California?

Here in California, the statute of limitations is two years for a personal injury case. This means that a case must be filed in civil court no later than two years from the date of the incident that caused the injury. This is by the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 335.1. However, this deadline differs if the injured party is a minor child.

The two-year deadline is extended or tolled until the injured child turns 18. From the injured party’s 18th birthday date, they have two years to file in civil court. The time limit is shortened to six months if the case involves a government agency as a defendant. This is by California Government Code Section 911.2. Contact an experienced injury lawyer in your area for more information.

Contact a Pediatric Hand and Wrist Injury Attorney

Since 1982, the legal team at AutoAccident.com has helped those injured in accidents through no fault of their own. We will passionately seek maximum compensation through a verdict or settlement for your injured child with integrity and excellence. Let us protect your family’s rights and best interests, so you can focus on what is most important: your child’s recovery and getting their life back on track. Call our law office for free, friendly advice on your pediatric hand and wrist injury case at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.

Image Credit: “sferrario1968” on Pixabay

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