Primary Headache Disorders
Primary Headache Disorders

Headaches may cause significant debilitation and may have a profound impact on a patient’s quality of life. The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) divides headaches into primary disorders, characterized by those without an underlying cause, and secondary disorders as those that are etiology-specific. A patient with a primary headache disorder may experience an inability to function normally in daily life, work, or school. This is generally attributed to due to chronic pain and associated symptoms. The effects of this condition are far-reaching and have been found to have an impact on society in terms of healthcare costs and economic productivity.
Primary headache disorders can be life-altering and disabling. If you were diagnosed with a headache disorder after getting injured in an accident, you may be eligible for compensation. Call our California personal injury lawyers to receive free, friendly advice at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
At, our legal team offers skilled and compassionate legal representation for those who have been injured in accidents through no fault of their own. We are committed to getting successful results on behalf of our clients, and we can do the same for you and your personal injury case. When you have been injured in a recent car wreck or another type of accident and dealing with pain from a headache disorder, our California personal injury lawyers are here to protect your rights and build the strongest case possible for maximum compensation. Contact our law office today to schedule a free case evaluation with a member of our team.
What is Primary Headache Disorder?Most headache disorders are composed of primary headaches. There are several categories of primary headache disorders. These include tension-type headaches (TTH), cluster headaches, hypnic headaches, and migraine headaches. While cluster headaches are relatively uncommon, this condition is often mismanaged and misdiagnosed. A secondary headache disorder that may often co-exist with a primary headache is a MOH or medication-overuse headache.
The pain experienced from primary headache disorders is attributed to inflammation. This occurs in areas of the body that are sensitive to pain, including the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves that are in and around the head and neck. Primary headache disorders are not symptoms of underlying conditions or diseases. The term, primary, is used in reference to an insufficient and clear understanding of systemic disease, trauma, or causative pathology.
How is a Primary Headache Disorder Classified?The International Classification of Headache Disorders is utilized to classify and define all disorders related to headaches. This algorithmic system defines primary headache disorders as headaches that occur without an underlying cause or condition. A common primary headache disorder that is also disabling for patients is migraine. Other primary headache disorders include trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs), tension-type headache (TTH), hypnic headaches, hemicranias continua, and more.
Primary headache disorders have been found to have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients. The severity of impairment generally depends on the type of headache. Studies have attributed the diminished quality of life from headache disorders due to the highly prevalent comorbidity of psychological disorders. The types of headaches are based on cause, duration, location, frequency, pulsating quality, and intensity.
How are Primary Headache Disorders Managed?A patient presenting with a complaint of a headache in an emergency department or other healthcare setting should be assessed immediately. Differentiation must be made between primary and secondary headache disorders. This is essential for the effective treatment of headaches. Treatment options include medication with minimal or no adverse reactions and sustained and quick symptom relief. This will allow patients to return to the activities of daily living.
Acute medications, including prescription and non-prescription, are effective in pain management. This includes triptans for patients with episodic tension-type headaches and migraines. Triptans are effective in pain relief from migraines and TTHs. Combination drugs may be used, and most are available without a prescription. This may include acetaminophen or aspirin. Headache pain is often addressed through the first line of treatment, simple pain relievers like naproxen sodium, ibuprofen, and aspirin.
If a patient has chronic or frequent headaches without relief from pain medication and other treatments, a physician may prescribe preventative medications. These include muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants for the prevention of tension-type headaches. Tricyclic antidepressants and other antidepressants are used to prevent TTHs. Preventative medication usage will not show immediate improvement as it requires time to build in the body to take effect.
Can You Seek Compensation for a Headache Disorder From an Accident?If an injury from an accident causes a headache disorder, the injured party may be eligible for financial compensation. This will be based on the facts and circumstances of the case. A bodily injury claim may be filed against the individual or entity that caused the incident. Claimants must be aware of the statute of limitations that applies to these cases. Most personal injury lawsuits are subject to a two-year deadline. This is according to CCP 335.1. Exceptions may apply. Therefore, it is essential that parties injured in crashes act quickly and retain legal counsel to protect their rights and interests.
How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help With an Accident CaseAn accident attorney in California can provide invaluable services to the injured party. This includes helping them rebuild their life, holding the other side accountable for their negligence, and securing the financial recovery they deserve. A lawyer who handles a personal injury case must perform many essential duties, some of which include:
- Thoroughly Investigate the Incident: As part of a personal injury case, it is common for a lawyer to work with expert witnesses to independently investigate an accident. A thorough investigation into the incident may turn up evidence that may have otherwise been overlooked. Keep in mind that evidence must be gathered and preserved right away before it is altered or lost. Clear and compelling evidence will demonstrate the cause and the extent of the resulting damages.
- Identify Sources of Financial Recovery: If an injury occurred from a motor vehicle collision caused by a negligent motorist, your lawyer will seek compensation by filing a bodily injury claim against the other side. If the liable driver has limited auto insurance policy limits or no coverage, your attorney will handle a claim through your insurance if you have uninsured and underinsured motorist protection. If the injury was due to another type of incident, your lawyer will identify other sources of financial recovery.
- Properly Valuing a Bodily Injury Claim: How much a personal injury claim for an accident is worth can be challenging to determine. There are many factors that come into play. These include the severity of crash-related injuries, the at-fault party’s conduct, the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident, the amount of liability coverage available, and other factors. A skilled injury attorney will use their knowledge and resources to identify the fair and reasonable value of damages incurred.
- Handle Negotiations with Insurers: Negotiating with the insurance company for an accident claim may prove to be stressful and overwhelming, to say the least. Insurance carriers are businesses and operate as such. Claimants can expect insurers to downplay the value of their claims or outright deny them. It is essential to have legal counsel on your side who is experienced in insurance negotiations and will know the best way to proceed in your case.
- Take the Case to Court: If an insurer is unwilling to agree to a reasonable settlement to resolve a bodily injury claim, an accident lawyer can file the case in civil court and proceed with litigation. Filing the case also serves the purpose of protecting the applicable statute of limitations, which is generally two years for personal injury matters in California. Your attorney will handle your case from start to finish and assist you in seeking maximum compensation in an insurance settlement or court-ordered award.
Let our multilingual legal team at review your personal injury case and guide you through the process to seek the justice and full compensation you deserve. Remember that our law office operates on contingency which means we only get paid if we secure a successful result on your behalf. For more information about our services, watch this video or request a free consultation today.
Personal Injury Lawyer in CaliforniaEvery personal injury case for an accident is unique, including those involving headache disorders. When you meet with a California personal injury lawyer at, our legal team will evaluate the facts and circumstances of your case and provide you with free, friendly advice on how to move forward. If you decide to hire us to handle your accident claim, we will stop at nothing to seek maximum compensation through a settlement or verdict on your behalf. Learn more about our services and how we can help you with your headache disorder case at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
Photo Credit: “Andrea Piacquadio” via Pexels
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