How To Get a Car Accident Report in Sacramento
How To Get a Car Accident Report in Sacramento

A Sacramento traffic accident report can be obtained from the Sacramento City Police Department, the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department, or the California Highway Patrol, depending on which agency responded to your accident.
Here’s how to go about getting a traffic accident report following your car accident in Sacramento.
City of SacramentoA City of Sacramento traffic accident report is usually ready around 7-10 days from the date of the accident. The cost of the report is $5, and it can be obtained by writing or going to the Freeport Boulevard police station to request it.
Sacramento Police Department
Attn: Records Report Request
5770 Freeport Boulevard, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95822
The accident report is available if there is a “need to know.” That means that the request for the report must usually be signed by someone in the accident (whether driver or passenger) or, if there is a death, by an heir of the deceased. The report can also be requested by the attorney for anyone in the accident, including and heirs of people killed.
Certain types of accidents, including one where there is a fatality or a hit-and-run accident, can be delayed as long as 90 days.
When sending for a report, you must list the date, time, and location of the accident, to the extent possible. Also, give your name if you were in the accident, your address, and the other party’s name and address if you know it. The license plate number of your car is always helpful.
For further information on obtaining a Sacramento city accident report, call 916-808-0620.
Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 8.24.21]
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