Sacramento Bus Accident Lawyer
Your Bus Accident Lawyer in Sacramento

Commercial buses are vital in transporting millions across cities, suburbs, and the United States. These buses serve as an effective means to reduce the number of cars on the road, leading to less traffic congestion. However, it is essential to acknowledge that bus accidents are not infrequent. Recent federal data reveals insightful statistics regarding the prevalence of bus accidents in various categories.
Between 2007 and 2017, intercity buses constituted 13 percent of all fatal bus accidents. This emphasizes the significance of ensuring safety measures and precautions are in place to protect passengers and minimize the occurrence of such tragic incidents. Additionally, transit buses accounted for 35 percent. In comparison, school buses accounted for 40 percent of fatal bus accidents during the same period, underlining the importance of maintaining a strong focus on safety for all types of buses.
These statistics show the need for continuous efforts and advancements in bus safety regulations, training programs, and maintenance practices. By prioritizing safety and implementing stringent measures, we can strive to further reduce the occurrence of accidents and ensure the well-being of passengers and other road users.
Common Causes of Bus AccidentsMost bus accidents are either rollovers, are caused by inadequate overpass clearance, are caused by tunnels or overhead structures, or involve hitting pedestrians. Some common causes of bus accidents include inclement weather, unqualified or novice drivers, driver error, driver distraction, and bus mechanical problems. In addition, a bus company’s failure to train and supervise its drivers is also a factor in many bus accidents. Contact our bus accident attorneys in Sacramento for a free consultation today if you have been hurt or lost a loved one in a bus accident.
City or Municipal Bus AccidentsAccidents involving city or municipal buses are more likely to be involved in an accident than charter buses. Accidents often occur during busy commuting hours when buses try to make left turns. Buses are twice as likely to hit a pedestrian than another vehicle while turning left due to the bus driver’s visibility problems. In 2008 the Federal Transit Authority conducted a study of bus accidents and found that bus drivers often fail to properly re-scan crosswalks when making left turns. Often, pedestrians also have difficulty realizing when large vehicles, such as buses, are about to make a left turn.
Contact a Sacramento bus accident attorney immediately if you have been injured in a municipal or city bus accident. Taking quick action in a Sacramento bus accident case against a government entity is critical as the statute of limitations is shortened to six months under the California Government Code Section 911.2.
Motorcoach and Charter Bus AccidentsOther bus accidents involve motor coach or charter buses that travel on state and interstate highways. In a 2011 study by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the researchers noted that buses and other commercial vehicles are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than other vehicles. However, the victims usually tend to be the occupants of the other vehicles involved in the crash, pedestrians, or bicyclists.
Improving Bus SafetyWhen buses are involved in accidents, the drivers and passengers are generally safer than other vehicles. In 2009, the fatality rate for bus occupants was 45 deaths for every 100,000 accidents compared to 251 deaths for every 100,000 passenger car accidents. Even though this is a reasonably good safety record for bus occupants, our Sacramento bus accident lawyers believe there is room for improvement.
As federal officials recommended, a California State Senator introduced reforms to improve bus safety, investigating a devastating Northern California bus accident that killed five high school students in 2014. Senator Ricardo Lara introduced legislation that requires charter bus operators to provide safety briefings to passengers before bus trips and encourages buses to have obvious emergency exits, such as those on airplanes.
The students in the 2014 accident had difficulty escaping the burning bus after a Federal Express delivery truck crashed head-on into the bus. The NTSB claimed that inadequately labeled emergency exits and the absence of safety instructions contributed to the injuries and chaos. The NTSB also urged federal regulators to adopt rules that will make buses as safe for passengers as trains and airplanes. Senator Lara’s bill only mandates pre-trip safety briefings similar to those on planes. Still, he would like to add provisions adopting the NTSB’s safety recommendations, such as requiring fire-resistant materials, black box data recording devices, and additional escape doors.
The following video shows a deadly bus crash that killed five students in California.
Accidents involving buses can be severe and devastating. If you are involved in a bus accident, you must consult an experienced Sacramento Bus Accident Attorney immediately to determine if you have a viable claim.
Speak with a Sacramento Bus Accident Attorney TodayIf you were injured in a crash with a bus, our Sacramento bus accident lawyers could help you bring a personal injury claim for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Call our law firm today at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free, friendly advice from one of our attorneys.
See our case history of verdicts and settlements.
Editor’s Note: updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 5.18.23]
Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels [cs 885]