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Speeding Accident Lawyer

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Home Car Accident Speeding Accident Lawyer

Speeding is a major contributing factor for accidents, and people can sustain severe injuries and significant property damage as a result. This is why it’s important you know your obligations and rights if you want to get a handle on the fallout from the accident. 

By being aware of the steps to take, you can ensure you get the help and compensation you need to heal from the emotional and financial damage.

Car driven at high speed

Understanding Speeding Accidents

When a driver goes faster than the posted speed limit, they have a higher risk of losing control of the car and crashing. These collisions frequently happen on highways where there is a lot of traffic traveling at a high rate of speed. 

Speeding was the main factor for 29% of traffic fatalities reported in 2022, and roughly 33 people a day died as a result. 

Common Causes and Consequences

Distracted driving, road rage, and estimating the speed limits are some of the reasons people had speeding accidents. Bad weather conditions like rain make it harder to see and stay in control because they reduce traction. 

There can be disastrous effects linked to these accidents, including: 

  • Fractured or Broken Bones: You may end up with these injuries when a bone encounters more force than it can handle, which can crack or shatter the bone completely. They usually cause pain, edema, and immobility in the impacted area. 
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): TBIs are catastrophic head injuries that cause brain dysfunction. They happen when you get a forceful blow or sudden shock. Symptoms will vary from minor headaches to severe cognitive impairment, so quick medical attention is a must. 
  • Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis: Paralysis can happen if you sustain spinal cord damage due to the accident. It can be partial or full, and it happens below the injury site. 
  • Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injuries: Whiplash is a specific neck injury that happens with abrupt movements, commonly in car accidents, and causes stiffness and discomfort. If you get a soft tissue injury to your muscles, ligaments, or tendons, you may experience discomfort and swelling. 
  • Concussions: Sustaining a hit to the head may result in a concussion, and this is a TBI that may cause a brief brain function interruption. Lightheadedness, headaches, and confusion are some of the common symptoms, and they typically go away with rest. 

Property damage is also common as the car sustains a huge amount of damage in these high-speed accidents. Financial strain and emotional or mental distress are also common consequences. 

Gathering Evidence After a Speeding Accident

To build your case, it’s essential that you have the proper documentation to support any claims you make. Take pictures of the accident scene, ensuring you include the vehicle damage, skid marks, and any visible injuries. 

Also, collecting witness contact information is critical as they can give a neutral view of the accident and potential causes. Their statements can support and strengthen your version of events. 

Getting Copies of the Police and Medical Reports

Office police and medical reports will be key pieces of evidence after a speeding accident. Get in touch with the local law enforcement agency that handled the accident and get a copy of the police report. Whichever hospital or clinic you went to after the accident will give you a copy of your medical records. 

These records offer reliable, unbiased accounts of the collision and how severe your injuries were. These tiny, vital details are essential for court cases or insurance providers. In order to prove culpability and help guarantee you get compensation, you’ll need accurate and thorough reports.

Going Through the Insurance Claims Process

When you’re able after an accident, you’ll want to file an insurance claim. You’ll report the accident to your insurer as soon as possible, including the accident’s date, time, and place. They’ll also want an overview of what happened. 

You’ll give them accident scene pictures, witness statements, and copies of police or medical reports. The insurance company uses this information to evaluate the claim and figure out who and what as the main cause. 

Tips for Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

The secret to working with insurance adjusters is to communicate well. While discussing the accident’s specifics, be precise and honest; don’t assign blame or make assumptions about what happened. 

It’s also critical to fully understand any settlement proposals. Make sure they cover all of your costs and damages by carefully reading them over and getting a speeding accident lawyer to look them over. 

Common Challenges in Speeding Accident Cases

Cases involving speeding accidents may run into challenges as you may have trouble figuring out which party was responsible for the accident without solid evidence like eyewitness accounts or accident reconstruction. You’ll also usually need expert assessments to determine the damage degree, including bodily harm and property damage. 

Claims process delays are also an issue, and they result from claim amount disagreements, insufficient documentation, or a communication breakdown between the parties. Keeping organized records, following up with your insurance provider, and seeking the appropriate legal counsel to help keep the claim on track may be necessary. 

Understanding Possible Compensation

There are a few different ways you can go about getting compensation after a speeding accident. You’ll break them down into two categories, including economic and non-economic damages. They encompass: 

Economic Damages

When you talk about economic damages, it encompasses things that the court says has a measurable monetary value. They include your medical expenses, like the cost of hospital stays, surgery, outpatient visits, emergency care, and ongoing care needed for your injuries. 

Lost wages also fall into this category, and the compensation helps to cover what you would normally earn working but your injuries force you to take time off. You may ask for compensation to help replace or repair your damaged vehicle or other personal belongings that sustained damage during the accident as well.

When it comes to getting the financial support you need to heal and get back to your regular lives, economic damages are vital. They help ensure you have low to no financial strain so you can focus on healing. 

Non-Economic Damages

It’s also possible for you to get non-economic damages for intangible losses from the accident. They help cover the psychological and emotional impacts of the accident. You may ask for compensation for accident-related mental and physical suffering. The court will consider your experiences and any current challenges for pain and suffering damages

If the court believes the responsible party acted with extreme negligence, they may assign punitive damages. The goal is to penalize the at-fault party and discourage them from acting so reckless in the future. Knowing what types of damages the court may award you as a result of a speeding accident can help you secure the compensation you need to move one with your life. 

Seek Justice and Compensation for Speeding Accidents

At AutoAccident.com, we know how important it is to speak up for your rights after a speeding accident. This is why our skilled staff commits themselves to holding the at-fault party responsible, encouraging safer driving practices, and ensuring you secure the financial compensation you need while you heal. 

Although handling legal claims can be challenging, with our knowledge and help, we can strengthen your case. Contact us to start your healing journey today. 

Photo by Spencer Davis