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Sacramento Defective Car Door Latches Lawyer

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Sacramento Defective Car Door Latches Lawyer

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When purchasing an automobile, car door latches do not usually receive a lot of attention.  They are not flashy, shiny, or exciting, and they are not the part of a motor vehicle that buyers typically inquire about when negotiating with a dealer.  When manufacturers issue recalls for defective motor vehicle parts, defective airbags and ignition switches grab the headlines, as they have in the recent Takata and GM recalls, respectively.

Defective car door latches may not receive a lot of attention, but they should.  Although they do not typically cause accidents, defective car door latches contribute significantly to auto accident injuries and fatalities. In fact, during impact in a rollover accident or other collision, a door latch defect can cause the automobile door to open and eject the driver or occupant from the vehicle.  Motor vehicle accident victims who are ejected during crashes are far more likely to suffer severe injuries or fatalities.

Injuries Caused by Defective Car Door Latches

A faulty car door latch affects the crashworthiness of a motor vehicle, which is a vehicle’s ability to sustain a crash and protect its occupants upon impact.  If a vehicle has a defective door latch and is involved in a crash, the door can open, ejecting occupants and putting them at increased risk for severe head injuries, including traumatic brain injury.  Also more likely are neck and spinal cord injuries that can result in partial or complete paralysis.  

Broken bones, lacerations, and road abrasions are additional injuries that can occur when occupants are thrown from a vehicle due to a defective car door latch causing a door to open during a crash.

Federal law requires that car door latches sustain a certain force upon impact in an accident.  To determine whether a latch was defective, an experienced products liability attorney in Sacramento can gather the evidence from the accident scene, and work with automotive experts, if necessary. This will ensure that a judge and jury understand the devastating consequences associated with a car door flying open and ejecting the occupants of a motor vehicle.

Recovery May be Available Under Products Liability Law

When a car door latch is defective, there can be several different reasons. One of the most common reasons is a defect in the way in which the latch was designed.  Another way a car door latch can be defective is an error made during the manufacturing process of a latch.  

Both of these types of defects fall under what is known as “product liability” and allow victims injured by these defects to sue the manufacturer of the car door latch.  Two other types of defects can also create liability for manufacturers:  insufficient warning for consumers and inadequate direction for safe use.

Product liability law creates complicated, complex litigation.  Only a seasoned Sacramento products liability attorney with knowledge of this particular area of accident law and experience in bringing cases against manufacturers can help injured victims recover compensation.

Monetary Recovery May be Possible

If you or a loved one was injured as a result of a faulty car door latch, you should seek the assistance of a skilled products liability attorney in Sacramento immediately. An experienced injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, loss of future earnings, pain and suffering, and in some extreme cases punitive damages.  

Even if you caused the accident, if your injuries were exacerbated due to a defective car door latch, you may still be able to receive compensation. For more details, contact an experienced products liability lawyer in Sacramento to discuss your potential options for recovery moving forward.

Contact a Sacramento Products Liability Lawyer Today

If you were injured in an accident involving a defective door latch, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. To learn more, contact an experienced Sacramento products liability lawyer at our personal injury law firm for free, friendly advice at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 today.

We are members of the National Association of Distinguished Counsel and the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

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Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 3.31.21]

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels