Spleen Injury Lawyer
Spleen Injury Lawyer

The most common abdominal injuries in trauma settings are those of the spleen. This solid organ is highly vascular, and since it is primarily arterial, the accumulation of blood in the peritoneal cavity (haemoperitoneum) may occur from an injury. Management of splenic trauma patients includes a multidisciplinary approach. In trauma cases, the patient’s anatomic derangement, hemodynamic status, and associated injuries must be considered. The goal of treatment is to salvage the spleen since it provides essential immunological functions in the body.
A spleen injury lawyer from AutoAccident.com can provide you with the support, compassion, and advocacy you need after a life-changing crash. Our legal team will stop at nothing to obtain maximum compensation on your behalf. Call (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly case advice.
Since 1982, our personal injury law firm has protected the rights of parties injured in accidents throughout California. We have worked hard to recover maximum compensation on behalf of our clients. Our attorneys would be honored to put our experience, skills, and resources to work for you and your case to seek the financial recovery you deserve. Our legal team can review your spleen injury case and discuss your potential options for recovery during a free consultation today.
What are the Common Causes of Spleen Injuries?Blunt abdominal trauma cases commonly involve the spleen. Case studies have reported an annual average of 25 percent of admissions involved blunt trauma. The most common reasons for spleen injuries are traffic collisions and slip-and-fall accidents. The three mechanisms of injury to the spleen include indirect trauma, blunt trauma, and penetrating trauma.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Spleen Trauma?After an injury to the spleen, the signs and symptoms may not present immediately. Some case studies have reported delayed presentations up to 40 days following blunt trauma from an accident. Watch for the following symptoms of a spleen injury:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Ecchymosis
- Blurred vision
- Muscle guarding
- Lightheadedness
- Profuse sweating
- Low blood pressure
- Rebound tenderness
- Pain in the left shoulder, left abdomen, or right quadrant
The airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) of trauma resuscitation should be performed for a trauma patient with a spleen injury. A patient with blunt trauma should be assessed for circulation during the main evaluation, including the likelihood of hemorrhage. Immediate resuscitation should be provided if a trauma patient is in early shock. Case studies have reported concomitant hollow viscus injury accompaniment in patients with solid organ trauma.
Most spleen injury cases are treated with non-operative management focused on salvage therapy maximization. Follow-up computed tomography (CT) scans may be necessary to determine whether the injured spleen has healed or if surgery is indicated. A spleen trauma patient with non-stop bleeding or requiring a blood transfusion of over two units may be considered for bleeding management (embolization) or operative intervention.
The choice for operative management depends on imaging study results and hemodynamic status. Depending on the extent of the injury, surgical intervention for a ruptured spleen may include repair (splenorrhaphy), partial removal, or total removal (splenectomy). Post-splenectomy patients face a higher risk of infections like sepsis. In-hospital and long-term follow-up vaccinations are recommended to decrease the risk of disease for splenectomized patients. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed for infection prevention.
What are the Complications of Spleen Injuries?Spleen injuries are common and may occur with minor trauma. Complications from a spleen injury may include delayed spleen rupture, pancreatitis, post-splenectomy infection, readmission for internal bleeding, splenic abscess, and splenic artery pseudoaneurysm. Death has been found to occur in some spleen injury cases.
The risk of infection after splenectomy is generally high in the first five years after the procedure. However, it may develop at any time. It is recommended that post-splenectomy patients receive vaccines to protect them against encapsulated (polysaccharide capsule) bacteria, such as Hemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Streptococcus pneumonia.
What Types of Damages are Recoverable in Spleen Injury Cases?The costs, management, and outcome of spleen injuries may be staggering. If the incident resulted from an accident caused by negligence, an injured party might be entitled to financial compensation for their losses. The spleen injury lawyer who handles the case may guide the claimant by determining the types of economic and non-economic damages available, including:
- Medical Expenses: An injury to the spleen may be costly, mainly if it results from blunt trauma from an accident. Internal bleeding may occur; it may be severe and life-threatening for the patient. In other situations, the spleen may rupture immediately or days or weeks following the incident. Costs of medical care, including surgical intervention, prescription antibiotics for post-splenectomy patients, and other related treatments for spleen injuries from a crash, are recoverable.
- Lost Wages: When an individual has suffered a spleen injury from an accident, they may require some time off work to rest at home or to attend medical appointments. If surgical intervention is indicated for damage to the spleen, an injured party may be out of work longer. Lost wages from treating accident-related injuries, such as splenic trauma, are recoverable.
- Diminished Earning Capacity: Blunt abdominal trauma can cause a spleen injury, such as a ruptured spleen. If an abdominal injury from an accident is severe and causes the spleen to rupture, internal bleeding may occur and be life-threatening for the patient. A splenectomy may be necessary to treat such an injury. Splenectomized patients will likely face a long-term risk of life-threatening or severe infections. When these factors impact an injured party’s line of work, they may seek reimbursement for the loss of earning potential.
- Pain and Suffering: Damages for pain and suffering consider the mental anguish and physical pain from injuries suffered in a collision. A spleen injury attorney may use expert witness testimony, videos, photos, medical records, and statements from family members to demonstrate how a claimant’s life has been impacted by both emotional suffering and physical pain from accident-related injuries. Amounts for pain and suffering vary from case to case since these damages are subjective.
- Lost Enjoyment of Life: Damages for loss of quality of life refer to an individual’s ability to engage or enjoy life as before the incident. For instance, if a party injured in an accident must undergo splenectomy, the treating physician may consider lifelong antibiotic use to prevent the risk of severe infections, such as sepsis. Given that this may impact all aspects of an injured party’s life, they may seek damages for lost enjoyment of life in a personal injury claim.
The guidance of an attorney with years of experience handling spleen injury cases may play an integral role in your recovery after a life-changing collision. While you are not required to retain legal counsel, dealing with insurance companies alone may place you at a significant disadvantage. An accident attorney from our law firm can protect your rights and best interests throughout recovery. For more information about how we can help, watch this video or schedule a free consultation today.
Is There a Deadline on Personal Injury Cases in California?California law, CCP 335.1, has designated the time limit claimants must file a personal injury lawsuit. There is a two-year statute of limitations that applies to accident cases. A different deadline applies to matters involving public agencies. The statute of limitations may be reduced to six months if a government agency is named a defendant in a personal injury lawsuit, per California Government Code Section 911.2. This means a notice of claim must be filed no later than 180 days from the date of the incident. Failure to protect the statute may result in the court’s dismissal of the case.
Is it Expensive to Hire a Lawyer for a Spleen Injury Case?Injury lawyers, such as ours from AutoAccident.com, are dedicated to making it easier for people to secure legal representation without worrying about upfront costs. Our legal team works on contingency, meaning we do not get paid unless we obtain a favorable case result on behalf of our clients. Your initial consultation with our spleen injury lawyers is free, and you will not owe us anything upfront if we decide to take on your civil case. This is one of the many benefits of retaining legal counsel after an accident.
Contact a Spleen Injury Attorney TodayAt AutoAccident.com, we are dedicated to recovering the financial compensation our clients need to move forward from life-changing crashes. Our legal team is focused on providing outstanding service and obtaining successful settlements and verdicts for our clients. We would be honored to do the same for you and your family.
Get started today with free, friendly case advice from one of our spleen injury lawyers by dialing (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
Photograph Source: “SoraShimazaki” on Pexels
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