Suisun City Pedestrian Accident Lawyer |
Suisun City Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

While most people drive to get from place to place, everyone becomes a pedestrian at some point. People walk their children to school, walk their dogs around the neighborhood, or walk to the store. In a town like Suisun City, which is adjacent to Suisun Marsh, the largest contiguous estuarine marsh on the west coast of the United States, it’s almost impossible to avoid being a pedestrian in a given week.
While Suisun City is a thriving community in Solano County, tragic accidents can occur on the road for those on foot. With no protection against a 3,000-pound vehicle, pedestrians are vulnerable. The injuries suffered in a pedestrian vs. car accident range from broken bones to traumatic brain trauma and even death. Those who survive often suffer permanent impairments they will endure for the rest of their lives. Medical treatment and therapy are often extensive, so getting compensation from the at-fault party is necessary to ensure a full financial and physical recovery.
Our skilled and knowledgeable injury lawyers at have helped Suisun City residents obtain fair compensation for their pedestrian injury accidents since 1982. We provide compassionate and professional support because we understand a severe injury affects you and your entire family. We work hard to ensure you receive the maximum compensation so you can focus on healing without the financial burden caused by another’s negligent actions. Call our law firm today at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 for a free consultation if you need legal assistance with your pedestrian accident case.
Pedestrian Accidents in CaliforniaPedestrian accidents occur more frequently in California than in any other state. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), about 893 pedestrians were killed in 2018, and over 14,000 were injured. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely to die in a traffic crash than occupants of motor vehicles.
A California study found that socioeconomic status contributes to pedestrian accidents four times more often in poor neighborhoods.
Determining Fault in a Pedestrian AccidentPedestrian deaths now represent the highest percentage of all traffic-related deaths. While road and signage improvements are essential to increasing pedestrian safety, it is equally important to adequately compensate the injured individuals.
If you were hurt in a pedestrian accident, you may wonder if you have a valid lawsuit. You may have grounds to pursue a claim if you were injured in the collision and partially not at fault.
When assessing an accident between a vehicle and a pedestrian, it is crucial to determine who is liable and the degree of fault for each party. California has several laws that protect pedestrians and are helpful when proving a driver is responsible for a crash. California laws mandate that drivers yield the right of way to pedestrians in or near any marked crosswalks. If a pedestrian is jaywalking and is hit by a car, the pedestrian may partially be at fault. However, many factors must be considered when determining the total degree of responsibility in a pedestrian accident. For instance, the driver can be liable if a motorist hits a pedestrian and fails to stop and help the injured person.
Determining the degree of responsibility in a pedestrian accident can be challenging. You may have been hurt in a pedestrian collision and not realize that fault mainly falls on the driver. An experienced Suisun City pedestrian accident lawyer can help you determine liability and whether you should pursue a pedestrian accident claim for compensation.
What If a Pedestrian Is Partially at Fault For An Accident?Due to California’s comparative negligence law, a pedestrian may still pursue legal actions even if they are partially at fault for the accident, provided the motorist also shares some responsibility. For instance, if a pedestrian is 20 percent at fault for the accident, they could still file an injury claim against the driver for 80 percent of the damages.
Recovering Compensation From a Pedestrian Accident ClaimSince no two cases are alike, it can be challenging to determine the average compensation amount for being hit by a car. However, our Suisun City injury lawyers will try to estimate the settlement amount on a case-by-case basis. There are multiple factors to consider, such as the severity of the injury, degrees of fault, and third-party responsibility. Whatever the circumstances of your case, you can be confident that we will fight to recover the maximum financial damages award for you.
Can Pedestrians in a Hit-and-Run Accident Recover Damages?If the pedestrian was injured in a hit-and-run accident and the at-fault driver cannot be located, compensation may still be sought through the injured person’s uninsured and underinsured motorist policy. In a hit-and-run case, the uninsured motorist coverage will pay for damages up to the policy’s limit. If the hit-and-run driver is found but doesn’t have enough bodily injury liability coverage, underinsured motorist (UIM) protection may help supplement the losses not covered.
The YouTube video below explains more about uninsured and underinsured motorist policies.
Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Suisun City, CABeing injured in a pedestrian accident can be a devastating experience. Dealing with PTSD, chronic pain, emotional trauma, and financial hardships can be stressful. Let our experienced and compassionate Suisun City pedestrian accident lawyers take the responsibility off your shoulders.
Our Suisun City law firm has excellent experience with pedestrian-related accident cases. If you or a family member has been hurt in a pedestrian accident and are considering filing an injury claim, call our accident attorneys at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice. We will connect you with medical specialists and provide you with the best legal representation.
For nearly 40 years, our lawyers have continued to win personal injury and pedestrian-related accident cases for our clients. See our past verdicts and settlements.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 9.26.23] Image from Pixabay by Daniel Reche cha llo [cs 1009]