Talus Fracture Lawyer
Talus Fracture Lawyer

The ankle joint is comprised of three bones, the tibia, fibula, and talus. This hinged synovial joint is essential for ambulation as it provides the adaptation necessary for the various ground surfaces on which one walks. The ankle joint and the various movements within it include eversion, inversion, dorsiflexion, and plantarflexion. Any small displacement in any part of the ankle may result in an injury, including a fracture in the talus bone. Since the talus is crucial for ankle movement, this type of bone fracture may often result in significant loss of function and motion.
If you suffered an injury in an accident such as a talus fracture, you might be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and other losses. Call our law firm to receive free, friendly advice from our personal injury lawyers in Sacramento at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
Since 1982, our attorneys at our law firm have been dedicated to assisting those who seek full and fair financial compensation for injuries and get their lives back on track. We understand the challenges of being involved in an accident, as it is often a traumatic event for you and your family. When you have questions regarding your case, you may contact a member of our team who can answer all your questions and discuss your potential options for recovery moving forward. Contact our legal team today to learn more about how we can help you and your family through this difficult time.
What are the Common Causes of a Broken Talus?High energy injuries such as those seen in falls from considerable heights and motor vehicle collisions often result in trauma to the talus. In displaced fracture cases, the talus is at an increased risk of avascular necrosis because the blood supply of this bone is tenuous.
What are the Symptoms of a Talus Fracture of Ankle?The signs of a broken talus include:
- Acute pain
- Difficulty walking or bearing weight on the injured foot
- Bruising, tenderness, and swelling in the affected area
The type and location of pain may depend on the extent of trauma to the talus.
What are the Types of Talar Body Fractures?Fractures of the talus are classified into four different types. These include:
- Type I: Nondisplaced fracture of the talar neck
- Type II: Subtalar dislocation
- Type III: Tibiotalar dislocation
- Type IV: Talonavicular dislocation
The importance of classifying the type of bone fracture in the talus is essential for predicting the chance of avascular necrosis and determining the kind of treatment a patient requires.
How is a Broken Talus Diagnosed?Most patients presenting with a break in the talus will seek initial treatment in an emergency room or urgent care center due to the severity of the symptoms they are experiencing. A physician will conduct a physical examination after reviewing the patient medical history and reported symptoms. During the physical exam, the doctor will carry out the following:
- Carefully examining the ankle and foot to view whether the injury resulted in any cuts
- Checking the patient to determine whether they have sensation toward the bottom of their foot and can move their toes
- Ensuring that there is the adequate blood supply to the toes and foot by checking the patient’s pulse at crucial points of the foot
- Inspecting the patient for any signs of compartment syndrome, that being built-up pressure from fluids in the leg muscles. This is crucial as compartment syndrome may result in loss of function and sensation, and once diagnosed, requires emergency surgical intervention
- Determining whether the patient is presenting with any accompanying injuries by evaluating the rest of the affected foot in addition to the spine, pelvis, and legs
Various diagnosing imaging tests may be ordered to help the physician determine whether surgical intervention is necessary and will serve an integral role in surgery planning:
- Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: If a physician requires additional information following an X-ray evaluation, the doctor may also order a CT scan. This type of diagnostic imaging technique may show a cross-section of the affected foot. It may not only help the doctor see the breaks in the bone more clearly, but it may also provide valuable information regarding the extent of the broken bone.
- X-Rays: The most widely available and common diagnostic imaging technique is an X-ray. These may show if there is a break in the bone and whether there are any fragments that have been displaced. It may also demonstrate the number of bone fragments.
Following immediate treatment, a splint will be applied to the back of the leg and foot to protect and immobilize the limb. To minimize pain and swelling, the elevation of the foot above the heart level may help. The severity and type of bone fracture will determine the specific treatment.
- Surgical Treatment: Most talar body fracture cases require surgical intervention since the injury often results from a high-energy force, such as a fall or a traffic collision. Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) are usually performed to reduce the broken pieces into proper alignment. Once the bone fragments are fixed in place, they are held together with special metal plates or screws.
- Nonsurgical Treatment: A stable talus fracture may often be treated without surgical intervention and is usually done through immobilization and rehabilitation. A patient presenting with a well-aligned fracture may have to wear a cast for six to eight weeks and limit the amount of pressure they put on the affected foot. Once the cast has been removed, the physician will provide the patient with exercise routines to help restore strength and range of motion in the ankle and foot.
As with any injury, there is the potential for complications. In talar body fracture cases, these include:
- Avascular Necrosis: In an unstable talus fracture case, there may be a disruption in the blood supply to the bone at the time of the accident resulting in injury. While the normal healing process may begin from the blood supply returning to the bone, there is the possibility of bone cells dying because of insufficient blood supply. This may lead to a very painful and gradual bone collapse. Such a condition is otherwise known as osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis. In these cases, the more severe the break in the talus bone, the more likely osteonecrosis may develop.
- Posttraumatic Arthritis: After an injury, a type of arthritis that may develop afterward is posttraumatic arthritis. Even when the bones have healed properly, there may be underlying damage to the cartilage that protects the bones. This may lead to stiffness and pain over time. Most broken talus cases may result in some extent of posttraumatic arthritis.
The best option for medical treatment to relieve symptoms of avascular necrosis or severe arthritis that place limitations on activity, surgical intervention may be necessary. This may include ankle replacement or joint fusion.
Things to Know About the Personal Injury Claims Process Following an AccidentAs someone injured in an accident caused by another individual or entity’s negligence, your injuries and losses should be covered by the insurance company representing that party. However, it does not always happen as the insurance carrier does not support a claimant’s best interests as they should. The insurer may often use a wide array of defense tactics as a way of paying as little as possible to protect their bottom line. Some of which may include wanting to quickly settle for far less than what the personal injury claim is worth. In other situations, the claims adjuster may stall the claim through lack of communication for an unreasonable amount of time in hopes of the statute of limitations expiring.
There are situations in which the claims adjuster or defense counsel will attempt to downplay the severity of accident-related injuries they should be held liable for. It is not uncommon for the insurance company to dispute any damages as they will often claim that they were suffered before the incident. The extent of the injuries is not as severe as they are claimed, and the patient received excessive treatment that may be considered unnecessary for their injuries. Conversely, insurers may also place liability on a claimant, so they are not responsible for a bodily injury claim. This may be challenging to overcome, primarily since California operates under a system of comparative fault in which negligence is assigned to each party based upon their contribution to the incident.
Agreeing to any recorded statement or signing any paperwork from the insurance company may damage a personal injury claim. For these reasons, it is often a struggle to recover the insurance settlement you need and deserve to move forward after an accident resulting in traumatic injuries, such as a talus fracture. As an injured party, you may benefit from the assistance of an experienced injury lawyer who has the experience, skills, and resources your case needs to get the best possible result. For details on how to find the best attorney to handle your personal injury case, watch this video.
Contact a Talus Fracture Attorney TodaySustaining a traumatic injury such as a talar body fracture may impact all aspects of life. If the injury resulted from an accident caused by another person or entity, an injured party might seek compensation for their damages through a personal injury claim. Such cases are not straightforward and require the assistance of an experienced injury attorney. Reach out to our law firm today to speak with a team member at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free, friendly case advice.
Photograph Source: Pexels User ~ “cottonbro“
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