Vallejo Products Liability Lawyer |
Vallejo Products Liability Lawyer

Personal injury law includes a subcategory called Products Liability. Products liability cases involve defective and/or dangerous consumer products that cause injury or medical harm. The Vallejo products liability attorneys at have long advocated for those who have suffered injuries caused by using defective and dangerous products. Our firm welcomes all inquiries and will provide a no-obligation consultation if you or someone you love is injured after using a dangerous consumer product.
Inherent Trust in the American MarketplaceThe United States has a vibrant consumer marketplace of innovative, mostly safe products. Because we have consumer safety advocates and government regulatory agencies, we feel a certain level of confidence that the products sold to us will be safe. This inherent trust is due to our history of product testing and quality control measures during the design and manufacturing. The United States indeed has more consumer safeguards than many other countries. However, no system is 100% foolproof. Negligence and carelessness can occur during any phase of the manufacturing process. Sometimes our safeguards fail. When a dangerous product enters the marketplace, injuries to the public can occur. In some cases, consumer products have caused deaths. When manufacturing negligence causes harm, those injured are entitled to financial compensation.
Companies Can Be Found Legally ResponsibleAs stated above, even though our consumer marketplace is very safe, dangerous, and/or defective products get sold regularly. Sometimes, a manufacturing defect will go undetected until it harms a consumer. Design flaws can also go undetected and cause injuries. Because the potential for harm cannot be eradicated entirely, California law provides civil remedies if a hazardous product causes injury to a consumer.
A seasoned products liability attorney will first establish where the negligence occurred. The discovery of the negligence will determine who should be held responsible for the harm caused. In product liability matters, it is often the case that more than one party is at fault. Common defendants in products liability cases are:
- Wholesalers
- Retailers
- Distributors
- Assembly manufacturers
- Part manufacturers
In product liability matters, the manufacturer will often be found liable (legally responsible) for consumer injury partly because it failed to warn of the risks. Manufacturers must warn consumers of any known hazards associated with using their products. Detailed instructions, as well as all necessary warnings, must be included with the product. Depending on governmental regulations, some warnings must be attached directly to the product on a label. Other types of liability that may come into play in a products liability matter are:
- Manufacturing Defects
- Design Defects
Some types of products are inherently more likely to cause harm than others. Listed below are categories of products that are common subjects of products liability cases:
- Medications – Drugs often have harmful side effects. They are also prone to defects during the manufacturing process. Because they require detailed instructions and labeled warnings, those may be incorrect or incomplete. Many medications are currently involved in litigation for the harm they cause to consumers. Zantac and Metformin are two drugs against which there are pending lawsuits.
- Medical devices – Similar to medications, this category can cause significant harm to users. Examples are transvaginal mesh, Paragard IUD, and Allergan textured breast implants.
- Chemicals, including pesticides such as DiCamba and Round-Up
- Industrial equipment and machinery
- The risks of children’s toys and furniture include choking, tipping, and entrapment.
- Appliances – these often present fire or electrocution risks.
- Motor vehicles
- Motor vehicle accessories, such as the Takata airbag.
- Apparel could present choking or asphyxiation hazards or be flammable.
Sometimes a product will present a clear danger that it is removed from the market altogether. Recently recalled products include:
- The manufacturer pulled Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder from the market.
- Zantac – many formulations were subject to recall by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
- Allergan Biocell textured breast implants – recalled by the FDA.
- Takata airbags were recalled by the manufacturer.
- Metformin – Several manufacturers of this diabetes drug voluntarily recalled their products.
Below is an entertaining YouTube video presenting the 12 most dangerous household appliances.
Dangerous Products and the Injuries They Can CauseA wide variety of injuries result from using a hazardous consumer product. Especially when the product is a medication, the harm caused is not always immediately apparent and may result from prolonged usage.
Even when the causation is immediately apparent, considering taking on a large and profitable company may feel overwhelming. The products liability lawyers of understand that it is necessary to hold negligent manufacturers accountable for the harm their products cause.
Some of the common injuries related to products liability cases are listed below:
- Poisoning
- Lacerations
- Electrocution
- Broken Bones
- Suffocation
- Head Injuries
- Cancer diagnosis after the use of a defective or dangerous drug
- Burns
- Disfigurement
- Paralysis
- Death
It takes courage to initiate legal action against a business with deep pockets. It also takes courage and strength to recover from serious injuries. American consumers have been diagnosed with severe diseases, left with chronic pain, or permanently disabled because they trusted that a product sold to them was safe to use. If you have sustained injuries due to using a dangerous or defective product, consult with our experienced Vallejo products liability attorneys to get informed about your options and legal rights. Our lawyers have the breadth of experience necessary to be successful in such a case. You are welcome to contact us to discuss your case at no obligation.
Products Liability Lawyers in Vallejo, CAIf you or anyone you love suffered harm from using a consumer product, we are here to offer compassionate, free, and friendly advice. Do not delay seeking a qualified Vallejo products liability attorney to help protect your rights and maximize your case value. Call us at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 to arrange a no-obligation consultation. We also can be contacted via our online form.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.22.23] Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash mm [cs 993] cha