We Make it Simple to Hire an Attorney
We Make it Simple to Hire an Attorney

The process of researching and retaining a lawyer can be intimidating. AutoAccident.com wants to make it as simple as possible. Just call our office at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for a no-obligation evaluation of your potential case. If you prefer, you may also contact us online, and we will reach out to you shortly thereafter.
Talk With a Lawyer Over the PhoneThough we will gladly meet you face-to-face if that is your preference, we also offer legal case evaluations by telephone. Much of the information we need to determine whether we can be of service can be gathered just by speaking with you. We can also chat via Zoom or Skype. Our goal is to make the process as comfortable and convenient for our clients as possible, so let us know how you would like to conduct the first meeting.
Remote Signing of Legal DocumentsIf we agree to enter into an attorney-client relationship, the retainer paperwork can be executed via DocuSign, which is a program that creates a safe and secure digital signature through the use of a computer or smartphone.
Client Communication and UpdatesOne of the most important parts of our job is making sure our clients are kept up-to-date about their cases. We know that the legal process can be confusing, and at times, frustrating. Again, we take into account how you would like to receive new information and will accommodate your preferences. Many of our clients request email updates, some like to speak over the phone, and others appreciate a quick text.
There is No Benefit to WaitingIf you suffered injuries in an accident caused by another party’s negligence, call us promptly. Most of the time, a simple phone call is enough to determine whether you have a case that would benefit from hiring an experienced injury lawyer. The sooner you call, the sooner we can begin gathering important evidence and dealing with the insurance company on your behalf.
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels