West Sacramento Pedestrian Accident Lawyer | AutoAccident.com
West Sacramento Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, pedestrians account for 19 percent of automobile accident deaths. Pedestrians have no protection when a motorist hits them, which means they absorb the full impact of the collision, often resulting in catastrophic harm.
If you need guidance after being involved in a pedestrian accident in West Sacramento with a careless driver, please call our law firm at (916) 921-6400 for free, friendly advice. Our legal team has been helping injured people throughout Northern California recover compensation for their personal injuries for over three decades.
West Sacramento Pedestrian LawsDrivers have a duty of care to stop and yield the right of way when pedestrians are crossing unmarked or marked crosswalks or intersections. Motorists should also stop when other vehicles stop at crosswalks because these stopped vehicles might be letting pedestrians cross. When pedestrians are walking outside a crosswalk or a motorist is approaching an area where pedestrians are known to be (e.g., a public school, park, etc.), the motorist has a heightened duty to be vigilant.
Important Evidence That Needs to Be Obtained After a Pedestrian AccidentIf you are physically capable, call the police and take down the contact information of the driver who hit you and any witnesses who may have seen what happened. Also, take note of any convenience stores or other business establishments around the area. Why? Because some businesses have surveillance cameras outdoors that may have captured the accident.
You can also use your smartphone to take pictures of the accident scene and your injuries.
You should ensure you discuss the accident’s details with the police and immediately get medical treatment. Getting medical treatment would ensure a speedy recovery and will serve as a record of your injuries when your West Sacramento pedestrian accident lawyer files a claim on your behalf. If your lawyer can establish that the accident directly caused your injuries, it helps assess liability against the motorist.
Financial Restitution for Your Harms and LossesThe financial restitution you may be able to receive through a personal injury claim includes:
- Reimbursement for your accrued and future medical bills: Treating injuries from pedestrian accidents often results in significant medical expenses (immediate and future costs). You don’t have to shoulder this burden when the accident was caused by another person’s negligence. The law allows you to pursue damages for the present, past, and future medical bills related to the injury from the accident.
- Lost Income: If your injury means you can’t work for some time, you can get damages for the lost wages during this period. This applies for the period while you were in hospital and even when you were out. If you have to leave work for things like therapy, you can get damages for the lost wages during these absences.
- Lost Earning Potential: In a situation where the accident leaves you unable to work in your desired profession or job role, you can get compensation for your lost earning potential. Your lawyer will work with an economist to determine your future earning potential. This calculation typically looks at the age, race, present earnings, gender, standard of living, etc.
- Pain and Suffering: Getting hit by a car is a traumatic experience that may scar you for the rest of your life. You may also be left so severely damaged that you cannot attend essential family functions and social events. You might also be forced to endure throbbing headaches, backaches, and other chronic issues due to your injuries. These are compensable forms of pain and suffering damages. These are less concrete harms and losses since no itemized invoice is associated with being unable to play baseball with your kid or help around the house. Nevertheless, you can obtain compensation for this inconvenience and mental anguish.
You could hold the driver accountable through a wrongful death claim if you lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident. This claim is typically brought by the deceased victim’s spouse, child, or another close relative. The compensation that may be pursued through a wrongful death claim includes damages for medical expenses, lost future income, funeral costs, burial costs, and loss of companionship.
West Sacramento Pedestrian Accident Lawyer FAQWhy do I need to hire a lawyer for my pedestrian accident?
Establishing the driver’s fault in a pedestrian accident requires submitting sufficient evidence to show that the driver was negligent. Remember, as the plaintiff, you are responsible for proving your case to obtain a financial recovery. This is why you need the services of an experienced and skilled West Sacramento pedestrian accident lawyer. They can devote the time and resources to thoroughly investigating the cause of the accident and the extent of your harm and losses. You should focus on your recovery.
How long do I have to file a claim for my pedestrian accident?
You only have two years from the date of your accident to file a personal injury lawsuit in a California civil court. This is due to California’s statute of limitations governing tort claims. If you file a claim against a local government entity, you only have six months to take action. As you can see, time is of the essence.
Our Legal Team Is Here For You
Suffering a serious injury in a pedestrian accident often results in significant hardship both physically and mentally. You may be struggling with your rehabilitation while also worrying about how your bills will get paid since you cannot work. You are being ignored by the insurance company, or they only make low-ball settlement offers. A West Sacramento pedestrian accident attorney can assist you in your time of need.
West Sacramento Pedestrian Accident LawyerHave you or someone you love been injured in a pedestrian accident caused by a negligent driver? Please contact our West Sacramento pedestrian accident attorneys at (916) 921-6400 for free and friendly advice. You can also contact us online through our website, AutoAccident.com.
See our past Settlements and Verdicts.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 9.13.23] Image of Igor Ovsyannykov on Pixabay.sb rey [cs 1022]