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Grass Valley Brain Injury Lawyer


A traumatic brain injury is a life-changing event that can have devastating consequences for the individual and their loved ones. It’s a heartbreaking reality that even if a person survives a TBI, the road to recovery can be long and difficult, often requiring years of medical care and support. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a prominent cause of disability and death in the United States, with TBIs being cited as the cause of around 30% of all injury-related deaths. This means that every day, over 150 people lose their lives due to injuries, including brain injuries, leaving behind grieving families and shattered communities.

Surviving a severe brain injury can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, affecting their ability to concentrate, work, and even perform everyday tasks. Moreover, the financial consequences of a TBI can be overwhelming, leaving families struggling to pay mounting medical bills and facing reduced household incomes.

At such a challenging time, you must seek the support and guidance of experienced brain injury attorneys who can help you understand your legal options and protect your rights. Our compassionate and skilled attorneys are here to listen to your story, provide a free consultation, and help you pursue the compensation you deserve if someone else’s negligence caused your TBI. Please call us at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 to schedule a free consultation today.

Incidents That Lead to a Traumatic Brain Injury

Significant causes of brain injuries include serious collisions between two cars, a collision between a car and a commercial semi-truck, a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle, a motorcyclist being hit by a car, etc. These accidents can leave a driver or vehicle occupant brain injured by a jolt or blow to the head. The severity of a traumatic brain injury may range from “mild” to “severe.”

Another common way people suffer brain injuries is by a preventable error during a medical procedure. If you undergo surgery or other methods and are suddenly deprived of oxygen for an extended period, you can develop anoxia. This will result in significant damage to your brain.

The video below discusses how doctors monitor and treat traumatic brain injuries.

Why It Makes Sense to Hire an Experienced Brain Injury Attorney

A traumatic brain injury is one of the most devastating bodily injuries a human can endure. The financial ramifications of a brain injury can be enormous, especially when the injured person requires a lifetime of medical care and is deemed unable to return to their job. Many insurance companies will do all they can to try and reduce or deny liability. Due to the complexity and technical nature of brain injury cases, you need someone well-versed in this area of law to help guide you through the litigation process. An experienced Grass Valley brain injury lawyer is best suited to review the facts of your particular case and assess the best legal strategy going forward. A lawyer can also help protect your legal rights by filing a lawsuit within the applicable statute of limitations.

Legal Representation Is Not Going to Bankrupt You

If you or a family member suffered a brain injury in an accident, you are probably struggling with the financial strain that comes with enduring a life-altering injury in an unexpected accident. You may be concerned about the cost associated with hiring an attorney. Thankfully, most Grass Valley brain injury lawyers work on a contingency fee. Basically, this means you do not pay your lawyer an hourly fee. The lawyer’s fee is paid contingent upon money being recovered for you. You typically do not owe the lawyer anything if no money is recovered.

Financial Restitution for the Losses Caused by Your Brain Injury

Many brain injuries result from the negligence of another person or entity. Victims working with an experienced attorney may be able to seek compensation through the civil justice system. A personal injury claim will enable you to seek financial restitution for the following harms and losses:

  • Your medical bills will likely be significant, considering what is needed to treat a brain injury.
  • Lost income due to your inability to return to work.
  • Lost earning capacity if you are deemed permanently disabled and unable to work again.
  • Pain, suffering, and emotional trauma.
Call Our Grass Valley Brain Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic brain injury due to someone’s negligence or disregard, it can be a devastating and life-altering event. In such situations, it’s crucial to seek the guidance and support of experienced brain injury attorneys who can help you navigate the legal complexities and protect your rights. Our team of compassionate and skilled brain injury lawyers in Grass Valley is here to help.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and provide free, friendly, no-obligation advice. We understand that dealing with a brain injury can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. We approach each case with empathy and sensitivity, focusing on your unique needs and concerns.

Our firm has served the Grass Valley and Greater California communities as accident lawyers since 1982. We have a long-standing reputation for helping injured individuals and their families recover the compensation they deserve. We are committed to providing personalized and effective legal representation to help you move forward after a TBI.

To schedule your free consultation, call us at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400. We are here to listen to your story and help you understand your legal options.

See our past verdicts and settlements.


Editor’s Note: updated [cha 5.3.23] Image: By “sbtlneet” via Pixabay sid rey [cs 951]