Anderson Bicycle Accident Lawyer |
Anderson Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycle accidents often result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries. While bicycling is an enjoyable way to relax or serves as an excellent cardio workout, many Californians have switched from a gas to a people-powered vehicle. If you live in Anderson, you are privy to the beautiful scenery located in Shasta County.
Whether taking your bike downtown or riding on the bicycle trails in Anderson River Park, you must stay safe. Let’s look at the precautions you need to take, the dangers you may encounter on back roads and intersections, and the injuries in a bicycle accident. We’ll also delve into the financial damages accompanying a bicycle accident and the compensation you need and deserve.
Bicycle Accident StatisticsAccording to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, roughly 843 bicyclists were killed by motor vehicles in 2019. That number decreased slightly in 2020, a possible result of the pandemic. The number of bicyclists injured and treated in the emergency room in 2019 was 417,485. This count does not adequately report the actual number of injuries since many bicycle accidents are not reported, and the injured party does not seek medical treatment.
In addition:
- The age of cyclists who die in a fatal collision has gone up. In 1988, it was reported to be 24, and it is 46 today.
- California has more fatal bicycle accidents than other states.
- About 20 percent of all bicycle accidents occur between 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
- All bicycle injuries and deaths cost about $4 billion annually.
Most importantly, the lack of seemingly serious injuries is why many bicycle accidents remain unreported. This can be problematic for a few reasons. The injury may seem minor, but this may change as time passes. For instance, a simple blow to the head may not be symptomatic initially, but a headache, confusion, and loss of consciousness may occur within hours. More dire consequences can be avoided by seeking medical care soon after the accident.
Second, it might be more difficult to obtain compensation y not making a formal report of the accident and obtaining the collision report that accompanies it. For instance, in the above example, the late-emerging symptoms of the bicycle accident may require hospitalization and the expenses associated with it. The injured cyclist might be responsible for the cost by not reporting the accident.
Intersection AccidentsIntersections can be dangerous places for bicyclists. Forty-five percent of all bicycle/motor vehicle accidents happen in an intersection. There are varied causes for an intersection collision due to the complexity and design of the area. Below are some of the more common reasons:
- Failure to stop at a stop sign or red light: This behavior is frequently seen in an intersection and affects both motorists and bicyclists. Generally, a motorist enters the corner against the sunlight and hits a bicyclist legally traveling through.
- Right turns: This occurs when a motorist turns right without looking to see if a cyclist is there (usually in a bike lane).
- Turning left occurs when the motorist turns left and hits a bicyclist going straight in the opposite direction.
Bicyclists on a bike trail must proceed cautiously despite the lack of motor vehicles, and they are still subject to an accident with another bicyclist or a pedestrian. Road obstacles, ruts in the trail, or poor road conditions are responsible for numerous bicycle accidents due to the vehicle’s lack of stability.
While an accident with a motor vehicle has a more significant potential for serious injuries, being involved in a bike trail accident can lead to nasty spills. They can cause such injuries as broken bones, head injuries, facial injuries, and dentition.
Your bicycle accident lawyer in Anderson can examine the area for poor maintenance. A claim can be filed against the government agency charged with preventing trail deterioration if this is found. The deadline to file this type of claim is shorter in California. Your personal injury lawyer will ensure that all documents are filed on time.
Common Types of Bicycle Accident InjuriesBicyclists are vulnerable to accidents due to their lack of protection. This leads to a varied list of injuries, some of which include:
- Traumatic brain injury: Bicyclists are prone to traumatic brain injury, especially when not wearing a helmet. Examples are concussion and subdural hematoma. While a concussion may resolve with rest, a subdural often requires surgical intervention.
- Facial injury: Fractures of the facial bones occur when the bicyclist strikes their face on the ground or an obstacle.
- Spinal cord injury happens most often when a motor vehicle is involved and can lead to a permanent disability.
- Fractures: The lower and upper extremities are prime areas where fractures occur.
- Wrongful death: An accident between a motor vehicle and a bicyclist can result in fatality. The family has the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit to provide justice for their loved one, a sense of closure, and financial assistance.
The YouTube video below explains how you may crash your bike and provides tips for riding your bicycle safely.
How an Anderson Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can HelpIn Anderson, your bicycle accident attorney will help you obtain compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering you experience after a bicycle accident. To do this, they will investigate the accident alongside their investigative team.
They will examine the accident site for problems that may have caused the incident, use accident reconstruction techniques, speak to witnesses and, in some cases, obtain video of a collision captured on surveillance cameras. Your Anderson attorney will also represent you in discussions and negotiations with the insurance company. Once the necessary data to prove negligence is gathered, the attorney will build a strong case against the at-fault party.
Anderson Bicycle Accident LawyerIf you or a family member has been injured by a negligent motorist or a government agency, you might benefit from the legal insight an experienced Anderson bicycle accident attorney can provide. Call us at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 to schedule a free case review. If it is easier, you can also contact us online.
We have been helping Anderson and Shasta County residents since 1982 obtain the damages they deserve in truck crashes, wildfire litigation, motorcycle accidents, and other traumatic events.
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Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 11.3.22]
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
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