Sacramento Facial Laceration Lawyer
Your Facial Laceration Attorney in Sacramento

When the skin of the face has been lacerated or damaged in an accident, the healing process may result in scar formation. This may occur through the skin repairing itself by pulling the wound together through the growth of new tissue and filling in any gaps caused by the trauma. Scar tissue is generally composed of the protein, collagen, and may develop in a wide array of sizes and shapes. Some scars may not be visible, while others may be large and painful. Depending on the location, type, and size of a scar from a facial laceration, it may be challenging to move and appear unsightly to the eye. That is why immediate medical treatment for a laceration of the face is essential for the restoration of function to the affected tissues, favorable cosmetic outcomes, and overall patient satisfaction.
If you suffered a facial laceration in an accident in California caused by another party’s negligence, our personal injury lawyers are available anytime to provide free, friendly case advice. Contact our law firm today to discuss your options for recovery at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
At, our team of experienced lawyers are dedicated to helping parties injured in traffic collisions obtain the justice and financial compensation they deserve. We have handled a wide array of personal injury cases arising from all types of accidents since 1982. When you turn to us for legal representation, we will protect your rights and handle all aspects of your case to allow you to focus on recovering. Contact us today to arrange a free consultation with one of our skilled attorneys to learn more about what we can do for you and your case. We handle cases under a contingency fee arrangement meaning that you owe us nothing unless we are successful and obtain the financial recovery you deserve.
What is a Facial Laceration?A facial laceration is a tear or a cut in the skin of the face. The etiology of this type of injury is slip and fall accidents, sports-related events, physical altercations, motor vehicle collisions, and being hit by a penetrating or blunt object. Simple cases may be repaired by a primary care provider with an understanding of tissue handling and suturing techniques or in an emergency medicine setting. Complex repair cases require appropriate surgical teams for the treatment of underlying injuries to the eyelid margin, globe, lacrimal duct system, and parotid duct.
What are the Possible Complications of a Facial Laceration?Some of the common complications that may arise after the repair of a facial laceration are keloid formation and scarring. Poor aesthetic outcomes may occur from the suboptimal approximation of the wound edge, inadequate eversion, and excessive tension. Conversely, wound infection and hematoma formation are other complications that may arise from poor preparation of the wound. A systemic examination for residual bleeding of a wound is necessary before its closure. Infections and retainment of foreign bodies may occur in cases involving inadequate wound irrigation and closure of wounds with infections.
A hematoma may resolve through the application of warm compresses and massages. If a hematoma is classified as expansile, the sutures must be removed to control the source of bleeding. A wound that is infected must be opened and thoroughly cleaned. Conservative debridement may be necessary in facial laceration cases involving the presence of necrotic tissue. Since the face is one of the most delicate regions of the body that is susceptible to permanent complications and scarring, it is crucial that any laceration to the face be provided the utmost care by a physician with specialized training.
Can You Recover Compensation for a Facial Laceration?An accident has the potential to result in devastating, life-changing consequences to all parties involved. The impact of a collision may cause a driver or passenger to strike a windshield, dashboard, or steering wheel that may cause traumatic injuries such as a facial laceration. Conversely, a motorcycle rider, pedestrian, or cyclist may also suffer a laceration to the face from road rash caused by striking the pavement. A personal injury claim is intended to compensate an injured party for the economic and non-economic damages they suffered because of someone else’s negligence. The insurance company representing the at-fault party is generally responsible for the payment of losses incurred.
In situations where the other side has insufficient or no liability coverage, an injured party may seek recourse through their insurance plan. This is a viable option so long as their policy has uninsured and underinsured motorist protection. Keep in mind that the process of bringing a first-party or third-party insurance claim is not always straightforward. When a personal injury case involves a facial laceration resulting in life-changing consequences, it is essential to retain an experienced accident attorney to represent you and protect your rights from insurance companies looking to take advantage of you and your vulnerable situation.
What Factors May Influence the Value of a Personal Injury Claim for Facial Trauma?Parties involved in accidents who have suffered facial lacerations may experience significant emotional, physical, and financial hardship because of their trauma. The value of a personal injury claim for facial scarring or disfigurement may depend on various factors, including:
- Age: Cases of a serious injury to the face in the younger population tends to result in psychological damage that may last for a lifetime. For children with facial scarring, they may be subjected to teasing, stares, and scrutiny from other kids. This emotional harm may result in loss of self-esteem and social challenges that may follow them into adulthood.
- Gender: Females are more vulnerable to the negative psychological effects of visible facial trauma than their male counterparts. That is why gender is considered a factor in the evaluation of a personal injury claim involving scarring or disfigurement.
- Location: A scar from a facial laceration is generally considered more severe because it cannot be covered as easily as scars in different locations of the body that may be concealed with clothing.
- Sequela: A facial laceration may have the potential to result in scarring that causes damage to the skin, muscle, or nerve. These may have an adverse effect on facial function and appearance.
- Permanency: Permanent scarring from a facial laceration may impact all aspects of life for a claimant in the present and into the future. Sociological studies have demonstrated that those with facial scarring are found to earn less over the course of their career than those without it. This may be attributed to a low self-image and loss of confidence.
Since the value of a personal injury claim for a facial laceration may differ in value from case to case, it is essential to retain legal counsel immediately. Proving liability early on is essential to the outcome of a civil case, and an injured party needs a skilled accident attorney on their side to accomplish that. For details on how to find the best lawyer to handle your facial laceration case, watch this video.
How Long Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Case in California?A strict filing deadline applies to personal injury lawsuits in the state of California, known as the statute of limitations. Normally this time limit is two years from the date of the accident resulting in bodily injury, as outlined in the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 335.1. While this may seem like ample time to file a case in civil court, the reality is that substantial time and effort are required to build a strong claim for financial compensation. That is because the insurance company may not always be willing to make things right and fairly compensate the claimant for the undue harm they have endured. Filing a personal injury lawsuit is often necessary when a settlement agreement cannot be reached with the insurer.
It is crucial to understand that California law provides an exception to the two-year statute of limitations for cases involving government entities. If a party suffers an injury because of the negligence of a public agency, a notice of claim must be filed with the government entity within six months or 180 days from the date of the accident. This is by the California Government Code Section 911.2. If the public agency sends a notice of rejection of a claim, a lawsuit must be filed in court within six months of the date listed on the denial letter.
Since there are challenging filing criteria and deadlines involved in personal injury cases, you do not want to risk losing your right to financial compensation. That is why it is essential to retain legal counsel right away after suffering facial trauma in an accident caused by the negligence of another party or entity. Consulting with the best injury lawyer will make all the difference in the outcome of your civil case. Protect your right to financial recovery by speaking with an experienced facial laceration attorney today.
How an Attorney Can Help with Your Personal Injury CaseAfter getting injured in an accident caused by another party or entity, insurance companies will not always be fair when it comes to making a settlement offer. The unfortunate reality is that insurers are looking to pay as little as possible on bodily injury claims to protect their profit margins. That is why it is essential to seek the assistance of an injury lawyer with experience handling facial laceration cases to protect your rights and interests throughout the claims process. Some of the ways an attorney may help you with your civil case may include:
- Conduct an Independent Investigation: A thorough investigation of an accident resulting in serious injury is necessary to determine the sequence of events leading up to the incident to properly establish liability.
- Communicate with Insurance Companies: When legal counsel is retained in an injury case, the attorney will send a letter of representation to the insurer. From that point forward, the lawyer will handle all communications with the insurance company on behalf of their client.
- Expert Witnesses: One way to prove the value of a facial laceration case to an insurance company is to obtain insight from an expert witness regarding the costs of scar repair or removal. An experienced personal injury lawyer will often retain an expert such as a plastic surgeon to provide testimony on the needs of surgical intervention for scarring and the costs of reasonable and necessary procedures.
- Negotiate with Insurers and Defense Counsel: When an injured party hires a facial laceration attorney to represent them, their lawyer will listen to their story and collect evidence to prove the value of the claim. Once this has been done, the attorney will send a demand letter to the insurer requesting an amount to settle the claim.
- Take the Case to Court: In some personal injury cases, the insurance company and defense counsel may not reach a mutual settlement agreement with the plaintiff’s attorney. Under these circumstances, filing a lawsuit in civil court is often the next step to protecting the statute of limitations that applies to the case and proceeding with litigation. If all attempts at a fair settlement fail, the lawyer may present the case in front of a jury for them to decide an appropriate award on behalf of the client.
As you can see, you cannot always depend on the insurance company to do what is right for you and your bodily injury claim. That is why it is crucial to retain the best attorney in your area to handle the legal process and obtain a successful resolution on your behalf.
Contact a Facial Laceration Attorney TodayAt our personal injury law firm, we believe that all parties injured in accidents deserve justice and fair compensation to move forward with their lives. For over three decades, we have fought on behalf of our clients to obtain the favorable outcomes they deserve in their cases. You do not have to worry about upfront fees or retainer costs when you turn to us for legal representation as we handle cases under contingency fee agreements. This means that attorney’s fees will only be due if we are successful at recovering fair compensation. Give us a call today to learn more and receive free, friendly case advice at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400.
Photo Credit: Pexels User “cottonbro“
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