Richmond Pedestrian Accident Lawyer |
Richmond Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Richmond is a mecca for pedestrians who love nature. Monarch butterfly migration is a spectacular site for walkers of any age. The city has forged ahead to make it a safe place for many species that need a home or are just visiting, and pedestrians are reaping the rewards.
However, with all this beauty within reach, accidents still happen. As a pedestrian, you are open to many types of trauma and have the right to collect damages for your injury, pain, and suffering. Let’s review the types of pedestrian accidents, their accompanying damages, and how you can collect the compensation you deserve with the assistance of a Richmond Pedestrian injury lawyer.
Our Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Richmond Are Here to HelpBeing involved in an auto accident can be traumatic, physically and emotionally. The lawyers and staff at understand that and make every effort to acknowledge your pain. We try to ease some of your burdens so you can focus on healing from your injury with peace of mind. Our injury lawyers communicate consistently and let you know how the case progresses.
The Compensation Claim Process After a Pedestrian AccidentWhen a negligent driver or a government entity is responsible for injuring a pedestrian, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against them. In this lawsuit, a Richmond pedestrian accident attorney helps the plaintiff or injured party obtain compensation for damages caused by the incident. The most common ones are listed below:
- Medical expenses: Today, the cost of medical care is astronomical. That is why covering all medical expenses associated with the accident is necessary. This includes the ambulance fees, emergency room costs, surgery, hospital room, medications, doctor’s bills, diagnostic tests, CT and X-rays, and rehabilitation services. Necessary medical care in the future is also covered. In addition, home health services or house modification to accommodate an injury is factored into the settlement.
- Lost wages: If the accident injury made it impossible for the plaintiff to work, it is possible to collect the wages, bonuses, pensions, and other benefits the individual would have earned. In the case of individuals who cannot work their previous jobs and must accept lower-paying ones, the difference is accounted for in the settlement. The salary and other benefits until retirement are included if the plaintiff is permanently disabled and cannot work.
- Injury compensation can be sought not only for physical trauma but also for psychological damage. It is not uncommon for an injured person to experience insomnia, anxiety, nightmares, or even flashbacks associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Professional help is frequently needed to deal with emotional distress.
- It’s possible to claim damages for losing consortium, affection, and support in the marriage relationship.
In 2019, the National Safety Council reported that 8,000 pedestrians died from accident injuries, and many more were injured. Understanding the causes of pedestrian trauma is vital so walkers and drivers can use the information to avoid accidents. The following factors can lead to pedestrian injuries:
- Intoxication: Driving under the influence impairs the driver’s ability to react quickly and reliably when a situation arises. It affects the driver’s cognitive skills as well as their reflexes.
- Speeding: This is a major reason for pedestrian accidents. Because of the momentum of a speeding vehicle, it takes longer for the driver to stop. If a pedestrian appears in a crosswalk, it stands to reason the driver of a speeding vehicle may be unable to stop. In addition, the operator may lose control.
- Distracted drivers: Distracted driving has become a leading cause of pedestrian accidents. Instead of looking ahead, the driver focuses on reading or writing a text message, engaging in discussions with passengers, or looking for something in the vehicle. It is too late to avoid a pedestrian injury when they look up.
- Fatigued driving: A fatigued driver can nod off while operating a motor vehicle. Even if it occurs over a few seconds, the chance of hitting a pedestrian is high. A Richmond pedestrian accident lawyer can help the walker or their family obtain damages in a personal injury claim.
- Backing up: Drivers often back up to leave their driveway or parking slot. Sometimes, the driver takes the tack that the pedestrian should be responsible for moving out of the way. This erroneous thought causes many pedestrian accidents. It is hazardous for children.
- Running a traffic or stop sign: We have seen a driver run a stop sign or red light more than once. This happens for some reasons, all of them bad. A pedestrian frequently trusts the driver to obey the rules and starts to walk. The driver is at fault since the walker has the right to trust that they will stop.
- Tailgating: Tailgaters may be unable to stop in time to avoid crashing into the vehicle in front of them. Pedestrians may be injured when the lead vehicle is pushed into the crosswalk.
- Government negligence: Pedestrian accidents can result when a government agency fails to maintain broken traffic signals, poorly-lit crosswalks, and areas with overgrown trees and shrubbery. A pedestrian injury accident may be the government’s responsibility in these instances. It is important to remember that when filing a claim against a government agency, the claimant has a much shorter time to file. A pedestrian accident attorney in Richmond can help ensure all documents are promptly filed.
A personal injury claim cannot be filed without proof that another driver caused your accident. That is why our firm sends out investigators to the scene of the accident as soon as possible. Once they arrive:
- They examine the collision site for evidence that proves liability.
- The investigators talked to witnesses at the scene to obtain information about the crash. They may even talk to people who live in the area since most pedestrian accidents happen close to home.
- They review the police report since mistakes can result in an unsuccessful claim. This is because the police report is consistently used during negotiations and in court. If mistakes are caught early, it is possible to have the error removed or have time to mount a rebuttal.
- The investigators use accident reconstruction techniques to determine liability.
- Surveillance camera data is obtained. This can be from traffic lights or nearby homes and businesses.
- Vehicles are searched for defects. We urge clients to keep the vehicle from being destroyed or impounded. That way, our mechanics or investigators can examine it for defects or check vital records of prior accidents.
Our injury lawyers use the information to build a strong case for our client.
Please take a moment to watch the following video by attorney Ed Smith outlining how to choose a personal injury lawyer:
Richmond Pedestrian Accident LawyerIf you or a family member has been injured in an accident, call our Richmond pedestrian accident lawyers at (510) 631-0200 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free and friendly advice. We will help you schedule a free case review where we can answer your questions and discuss the options you have moving forward. has helped numerous clients, and you are welcome to see how we resolved previous cases by looking at our Settlements and Verdicts page.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 10.17.23] Photo attribution: by Horacio Lozada from Pixabay cd [1241]