Vallejo Motorcycle Accident Attorney |
Vallejo Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Deadly motorcycle accidents are all too common on the roads of the United States, and California is no exception. With the country’s largest concentration of registered motorcyclists, California’s streets are regularly flooded with motorcycles. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, 519 motorcycle fatalities in 2014, a 12.1 percent increase from 2013.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Vallejo and believe it was due to someone else’s negligence, call our experienced legal team at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 for a free case evaluation.
Dangerous Intersections in VallejoLike many other California towns, Vallejo is a popular spot for motorcycle riders to enjoy pristine views and all nature offers. Because of the volume of motorcycle riders in Vallejo, there have been 70 accidents between 2011 and 2016. Three of those accidents resulted in fatalities, and six 70 involved alcohol. Interstate 80 has proved to be the most dangerous road for motorcycle riders in Vallejo, with 29 accidents occurring on the highway between 2011 and 2016, including one fatality. Some of the most hazardous locations for motorcycles in Vallejo include:
- Redwood Street at Sonoma Boulevard
- I-780 at I-80
- Maple Avenue at Hargus Avenue
- Redwood Parkway at Fairgrounds Drive
No matter their severity, Motorcycle accidents can have life-changing consequences for the riders and passengers. People injured in motorcycle collisions can suffer a wide range of injuries that force them into lengthy rehabilitation or therapy for months or years. These injuries can lead to missed time at school or work and put the injured person into a difficult financial situation. Examples of common motorcycle accident injuries include the following:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Bone fractures
- Paralysis
- Back injury
- Loss of a limb
- Spinal cord injuries
- Lacerations to the face
- Damage to organs
- Neck injuries
Should you decide that filing a claim against the responsible party’s insurance company is your best option, the following are damages you can recover in the form of financial restitution:
- Future medical care (medication, rehabilitation, therapy, necessary medical equipment)
- Medical expenses directly related to the accident (ambulatory bills, ER bills, doctor bills)
- Pain and suffering (psychological and emotional harm caused by the accident)
- Lost wages (payment for time missed on the job, including vacation or sick days used for recovery from the accident)
Many still question hiring a lawyer following a motorcycle accident, especially if their injuries were minor. The least you should do is consult a Vallejo motorcycle accident lawyer to help you understand the available legal options. Reaching out to a personal injury lawyer is a win-win situation for you because most in the Vallejo area offer free legal consultations.
What to Look for in a Vallejo Motorcycle Accident LawyerRecovering from a motorcycle accident can be stressful; finding a lawyer shouldn’t be. Your best bet is to perform plenty of research into local and experienced accident attorneys. Keep note of the following traits:
- The lawyer takes the time necessary to explain the legal options you have and the process of injury claims;
- The lawyer shows their compassion for your situation;
- The lawyer has plenty of experience representing clients who have been injured in motorcycle accidents; and
- The lawyer has a strong reputation in the legal world (which can be verified using Avvo).
When should I file a claim for my motorcycle crash?
According to California Civ, if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you have two years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent person. Proc. §335.1. Filing a lawsuit past the second anniversary of the injury will likely result in it being tossed out of court. Take action and contact an injury lawyer sooner rather than later when dealing with motorcycle accident cases.
Will my motorcycle accident claim go to court?
This is a common question that people injured in motorcycle accidents often ask. The stress of being injured is a burden, which is why many people don’t want to go to court. Many personal injury lawsuits tend to settle before heading to court. Insurance companies don’t always do the right thing, and you have the right to refuse or accept any settlement offer made by the defendant or their insurance company. Experienced injury lawyers can provide you with legal one as to the best option, but the final decision comes from you.
Call Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Vallejo, CA
Our Vallejo motorcycle accident attorneys at have handled injury cases since 1982. Call our law firm today to set up a consultation for free, friendly advice at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. We have the experience and resources needed to recover the compensation you deserve. We have been serving the residents of Vallejo for nearly four decades with cases involving personal injury and wrongful death. See our past verdicts/settlements.
Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.22.23] vass rey [cs 869] Photo by Pixabay